Currently in my second season with Manchester City and for some reason Tevez can't play because he hasn't got a work permit, yet Aguero is from Argentina too and he can play....
So i have lost my top goalscorer to a work permit due issue, how can i sort this out???
give him a new contract, should do the trick,
or sell him.
cant afford to sell him, when him and aguero are playing they are probably the best in the premiership, i'll give him a contract..
How has he lost his work permit? Once you have it you have it! We let virtually any tom dick and harry into this country (much to my disapproval) and yet on FM you cant get permits for people getting paid 60k per week on 50% tax? Thats one of the biggest flaws in the game.
We let people in too live here on the dole but not the ones that will generate massive weekly income for the government? Farse!
some one help plz i bid for a plyer in £ at make an offer for the plyer at comment at top it comes up with not the actualy money u bid for i bid 15 the player has bin accepted for 1.2bilion i only bid 15 mil why is it doin that dos any know
You struggle to even get american or canadian players on work permits for england Its f*ckin retarded