Hi all,
Just thought Id say what a great idea releasing the G version 1st so all these tight fisted so and so's put there hand in there pocket and donate to this great project, I myself donate every year as what's £1 ehh not even 10 minutes work for me, in my opinion there shouldn't be any free version and anyone wanting GS should donate...
But anyway come on all you FM fanatics dig deep put your hand in your pockets and donate to this great project
Iv also added a poll lets see what everyone thinks
Just thought Id say what a great idea releasing the G version 1st so all these tight fisted so and so's put there hand in there pocket and donate to this great project, I myself donate every year as what's £1 ehh not even 10 minutes work for me, in my opinion there shouldn't be any free version and anyone wanting GS should donate...
But anyway come on all you FM fanatics dig deep put your hand in your pockets and donate to this great project

Iv also added a poll lets see what everyone thinks