Nuno10 :
RedArmy20 :
Nuno10 :
Andriy Shevchenko wasn't happy at Chelsea so I met their value of £75k and 40 goals in 2 years later I sold him to Barcelona for £15million when he was 35.
i did that business on my aston villa online game.
first season he scored 29 goals for me. and a few assists as well 
FM researchers for Chelski obviously haven't been watching him properly.:yes
u got it wrong mate.
he still is that great player, but at the moment isnt playing to his Potential ability. and thats why his current ability makes him quite so bad at chelsea and you can get him quite so cheap.
and if u you give him hard training, and give him right instructions then he will slowly or rapidly reach his potential. and becomes that player he was at milan