Maybe I'm missing something but....say I hire 2 first team coaches and they are both rated at 20 in the defending catagory. I set them both to coach Defending in the first team training screen. Why would it show that together, they are rated at only 3.5 stars??? If I'm missing something else that needs to be considered, please advise. Thanks, Peace out!!
The defensive training category, like all other categories, also require other abilities from the coach. I'm not sure, but I think a good defensive coach also needs a good rating in tactics and possibly determination and discipline. I think determination atleast affects almost every category. It's actually very hard to find a 5-star coach for any training category and when you do, he's probably one of the few in the world.
I think a 5-star defensive coach would need 20 in defending and 10-20 in motivating, discipline, determination and tactics. A good combination of these stats should be enough.