Hello everyone who is reading this. This is my first FM manger story ever. I planned to start it on Monday and finih the first post on Tuesday but due to a futsal invitation and an MU defeat had filled my schedule with sports and depression. Now in this game I manage two clubs at the same time: Manchester United and Leeds United, the reason being that I love MU and that I want to spice up the Premier league with another MU rival - Leeds.
Note: Because my little brother messed around with the starting date I accidently started on 25 Nov 2010 for both clubs and didn't realise this until around April, I was too distracted in reshaping the staff of both clubs and capturing both star and youth players too, in the case with MU I took advantage of the amount of staffs they had to manually scout every youth candidates in every top clubs in Europe, South America and a few others around the world.
Manager background and experience: I started playing fm at fm11 at my psp, I got bored of it as it was to simple and moved to the computer version. Played fm11 in computer as MU most of the time, biggest win in fm 11: 9-2 vs Liverpool, second biggest win: 7-0 vs Newcastle (using reserve and U18, I was saving players for semis vs Real Madrid and some were injured).
Game style and luck: Usually use 4-4-2 or 4-2-4(same as 4-4-2 with wingers moved front), when I need to control midfield I put one striker as attacking or deffensive midfield depending whther I'm controling the match or not. I'm also trying to make a 4-3-3 formation that copies the passing and attacking play of Barcelona in real life, so far I manage to only replicate between 70%-80% of their beauty and control. I have no luck playing with 3 defenders in all my games, opposing teams either take advantage of the single Centre back or the fact that no full back is stopping their wingers from crossing. My team often scores early in the games, however when we are losing by half time they either win it within 30 minutes of the second or get a draw, all these luck and facts apply to all my fm experience including fm11. I barely get goals in the last 5 minutes, usually one in every 10 to 40 matches.
I will post about transfers and pre season matchers after my sleep. Please look forward to the update.
Note: Because my little brother messed around with the starting date I accidently started on 25 Nov 2010 for both clubs and didn't realise this until around April, I was too distracted in reshaping the staff of both clubs and capturing both star and youth players too, in the case with MU I took advantage of the amount of staffs they had to manually scout every youth candidates in every top clubs in Europe, South America and a few others around the world.
Manager background and experience: I started playing fm at fm11 at my psp, I got bored of it as it was to simple and moved to the computer version. Played fm11 in computer as MU most of the time, biggest win in fm 11: 9-2 vs Liverpool, second biggest win: 7-0 vs Newcastle (using reserve and U18, I was saving players for semis vs Real Madrid and some were injured).
Game style and luck: Usually use 4-4-2 or 4-2-4(same as 4-4-2 with wingers moved front), when I need to control midfield I put one striker as attacking or deffensive midfield depending whther I'm controling the match or not. I'm also trying to make a 4-3-3 formation that copies the passing and attacking play of Barcelona in real life, so far I manage to only replicate between 70%-80% of their beauty and control. I have no luck playing with 3 defenders in all my games, opposing teams either take advantage of the single Centre back or the fact that no full back is stopping their wingers from crossing. My team often scores early in the games, however when we are losing by half time they either win it within 30 minutes of the second or get a draw, all these luck and facts apply to all my fm experience including fm11. I barely get goals in the last 5 minutes, usually one in every 10 to 40 matches.
I will post about transfers and pre season matchers after my sleep. Please look forward to the update.