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Why FM need to embrace online play

The FM Network gaming
Started on 5 January 2012 by gregwelburn
Latest Reply on 7 January 2012 by gregwelburn
  • POSTS5
  • VIEWS6083
I have been looking for ways to make my FM experience better, and for the first time (despite owning FM games since 05), I decided to look at the network game. Having had my Fifa gameage experienced increased through the online gameplay.

What a mess! (I advise seasoned network gamers look away, this is for the inexperienced network gamer).

First of all I tried to look through my game first, thinking like FIFA you could talk to like minded gamers... STEP 1 Failed.

Secondly I decided to join a fan site FM Scout, and after searching around this site I came across this topic part and decided to explore. Like myself there appears to be many gamers who do not know how to access or even begin to start a network game.
There was a fantastic guide on how to..... however after finding a person in which to begin a network game it took us best part of an hour, typing in different codes etc, etc, etc.
We then upon some good advice downloaded hamachi, and after around another 30mins of figuring this out we managed to set up a game.
Playing along, another person from this site wanted to join our game and again we faced the same problems accept we didnt manage to get this person onto our game..... and then the person who I started the game with hasn't been online or played since that first hour of play, typical :-)
I am not claiming here that I am a tech wiz, not by a long shot... but surely is it that hard to create a unique online gameplay where managers from all over the world can pit themselves against each other, dare I say it..... just like the football world itself..... realistic - I think so!
So what do I propose, SI games take note, embrace online gameplay, make the online system easier to use and begin, maybe a list section (you know like a transfer one)
Where by e.g. Greg Welburn (UK) is a Free agent, free of network game and is there ready to play.

Am I the only one who thinks this? Discuss!
P.S. I remain looking for a game, haha

I agree if you have never done a network game it does come across very hard. I started in a online game bout 5/6 months ago and enjoyed it alot but then one by one people dropped out. So i have now managed to port forward my router to enable people to connect to my "server", As such all you need is my IP address ( as long as the person has no anti virus or firewall stopping FM working). If you or anyone would like advice please do not hesitate to contact me.

With regards to you still looking for a game there are 4 of us ( so far looking for many more though). Starting a game on Sunday if you wish to join let me know and i can introduce you to everyone and get you a team sorted.

Hi Jamie,
I just think its something they could maybe look at, however apart from that, they do create what has been my favourite game for many years, and I guess now as I am only just starting to dip my feet in the world of FM online I will one day look back at this post and think remember when, haha.

Imagine though, think how many clubs there is in the world, and they with tech leaps manage to one day get a human player for every club... that would be awesome.... until somebody's dinners ready.

Anyway, was yours the Championship start league, I was very much interested, however I was a bit dubious about signing up to a website I wasn't to sure of.
I am interested though, as I imagine it will good, especially if we could get 10(ish).
Just let me know how to get started.

I have decided to join this new clan starting tomorrow, if anyone wants to apply to join then follow the link
Places are still up for grabs I imagine, however they are limited.

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