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5 Star Training rating on coaches?

Started on 15 May 2012 by unitednij
Latest Reply on 19 May 2012 by ejay
  • POSTS5
  • VIEWS16033
Is it possible to get a 5 star Training rating on every single coach? i bought in about 50 different coaches in 7 years and never once did it
Nope ... though there are a few with 4 and a half stars, but you'll never get them all.

depending on the team you are its very possible for 4.5 stars on each field
#52313 ejay :

depending on the team you are its very possible for 4.5 stars on each field
What team are you using? and can you put a picture up of your coaches?
HERE is the coaches i had in season 3. those i screened is from season 6 and here you have those:

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