Ok so i have being playing FM Now for about 10 years and i have learned the rope's on the game like tactics and players like how every time can get the best players in the game its just judging the right time to go after them so i am going to manage Swansea football club and show you that it can be done i am going try and get Swansea into champions league football in my fist season and to be honest i should be able to do it.also i am going to turn them into the best club in England in just 3 years now the reason i picked Swansea is because of the money i done some research on Swansea in FM 12 and no mater what between the first six months Swansea can get bought buy a tycoon and he gives around 100 million to 150 million to club he also upgrades training and youth so i have started the game and done six month's on till this happened took me a few hours but now in august its all ready done but with that the new owner says he is going bring in someone else but most of the time he gives you a chance to stay on in this cause i got that chance.So with that money and the tactics i going to use i am going to turn this team into a huge team now i am a Manchester united fan but i have something for Swansea i like there football and the way they get on with things so i hope you enjoy my story and thanks for reading.