With dusan / stam doing forevers. What lenght should my blogs be?
Poll: Blog length
- VIEWS25525
I will decide soon as my blog is coming to a normal landmark
One season is quite enough... Istopped writing my blog because I don't play FM due to obligations in school and stuff...
_dusan_ : One season is quite enough... Istopped writing my blog because I don't play FM due to obligations in school and stuff...
hehe.ma jebes skolu.u koju ides?
Bole_ :_dusan_ : One season is quite enough... Istopped writing my blog because I don't play FM due to obligations in school and stuff...
hehe.ma jebes skolu.u koju ides?
U jebenu Prvu Kragujevacku Gimnaziju. Najstariju gimnaziuju juzno od Dunava, a verovatno je i najgora...
hehe.nemoj tako.i ja sam mislio da je moja najgora,a sad bih se rado vratio u srednju.
Bole_ : hehe.nemoj tako.i ja sam mislio da je moja najgora,a sad bih se rado vratio u srednju.hey bole havent seen you inages where hve you been??
micah :Bole_ : hehe.nemoj tako.i ja sam mislio da je moja najgora,a sad bih se rado vratio u srednju.hey bole havent seen you inages where hve you been??
I didn't played FM for some time,and had lot of work at faculty.
now i play most civilization 3,but want to continue fm.
to be honest,i am always on fmscout,but do not post.
i am just lazy.
i also thought to write some blog(played 9yrs with barnet,several with England and now third with Bayern) , but i hate writing in english,because i do not know it well.and again, i am lazy

Bole_ : hehe.nemoj tako.i ja sam mislio da je moja najgora,a sad bih se rado vratio u srednju.
Ma muce ne izivljeni profesori, seljaci jedni u poslednje tri nedelje nabili nam 4 pismena... Pu! Da Bog da se nauzivali nasih prolivenih suza i krvi, ti ne izivljeni manijaci koji ne dolaze u skolu bez 3 bocice ili tablice benzedina il ko zna kakve droge... Bolje da sam upisao muzicku...Aj da ne pisem vise na srpskom...
Sorry for the Serbian, but I can't write in English with Serbian dude. Sorry again if I broke some of the rules...
ma boli te ku*ac sto pises na srpskom.brate ko ih jebe(profesore).ja sad svaka dva dana po jedan ispit,ukupno 8 komada.sta da kazem za to??
ku*ac cu da izadjem na sve to,al jbg.
and about the topic,
well you should write about every season that you play.
ku*ac cu da izadjem na sve to,al jbg.
and about the topic,
well you should write about every season that you play.
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