#59425 tomy :
Hey, this is more of a request topic... i was wondering if you could help me with some screenshots of the passes that your playmaker makes, those that play a 4-2-3-1 and have a DLP as playmaker.
I would like to compare those with mine's as I feel that he is not completing enough passes during a game.
Thx in advance
I'm playing Man Utd at the moment 4-4-2 with DLP selected as my playmaker, its usually Carrick or Scoles. My team play short passing, slow tempo, wide or narrow depending on oposition as well defensive line.
DLP I have set to direct passing, normal mentality and creative freedom. They've both achieved so far 89% sucess rate and and are somewhere between 35-70 passes a game, passes are at the higher end at home games and lower end away. They only play through plays often and everything else rarely and usually stay back, or when needed.
This seems to be working for me, creativity low as I dont want them to try anything stupid too deep, and passing direct so they can feed to the middle as well as wide and front players (then leave it to them to get the assists), needless to say they have to have good passing skills, I play them along side Felliani or Jones as a BWM in defend duty.