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Purpose of Total Career Earnings?

Started on 13 October 2012 by raypangea
Latest Reply on 23 January 2013 by Blue
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raypangea's avatar Group raypangea
12 yearsEdited
Hi mate,

I'm curious about this thing, can someone explain what does the purpose of total career earnings beside showing how much money we have? In the previous edition it doesn't exist and now it's there so it's kind of tricky for me. I mean after all why does showing it if we can't use it :/

Could it be related to a EDT file 'make_me_chairman'? so at some point with enough money we can takeover a club?
How much money you gathered as a manager
raypangea's avatar Group raypangea
12 yearsEdited
2012-10-13 20:35#67455 crisrko : How much money you gathered as a manager

Thanks mate, I know it tell us how much money we got, but what the point of it if we can't use it. Is there another purpose of this thing in the game? because it doesn't exists before & now it does
Never found any answer to it, if anyone knows, post here.
The only liklihood is that your name as a NPC maybe used in the future If you retire with a decent sized pool, but thats a stretch. Personaly I think its there for comparison with other people.

I wouldn't have it mean anything else, like for a example when do you hear of a football manager's personal spending life.
Just a useless bit of information for anyone who's interested I'm afraid. Can't be used. Which is why I've always found the manager contract negotiations pretty pointless as well apart from wanting to ask for a longer contract the wage doesn't matter at all.
I wouldn't have it mean anything else, like for a example when do you hear of a football manager's personal spending life.

Yeah mate I agree it's unnecessary if used for personal life (cars, house, etc), but what I notice is in the game folder there is a 'make_me_chairman' file. Is there a possibility this thing correlated with our career earnings so at some point we may takeover a club using our own money?

Yes maybe it's only my speculation but I found it worth enough to explore the possibilty
You cannot be chairman in fm, or at least I've never heard of anything like that.
2012-10-14 02:13#67471 TheGenericBanana : You cannot be chairman in fm, or at least I've never heard of anything like that.

Then why total career earnings being showed & 'make_me_chairman' file appears in the game folder? Have you ever think about that mate?
Total career earnings being showed, no reason. Just to show. I looked it up before, and in all the threads I saw, that was the answer.
About the file,
You can't really become a chairman, you can just make one, even though not using him. It's never happened to me, though, so I can't really tell you anything about it.
I don't think this relates to total career earnings, but concerning the 'make-me-chairman' file. Maybe once you've retired your manager and created a new one, then that manager may be used to lead fan based club takeovers, should they be favoured personnel or legends to that club. I once saw Pavel Nedved lead a consortium to take over Juventus, possibly used by that?

As for the total career earning, I think it's just a cool stat to look back on at the end of your career, like imagine looking at Fergie's or Capello's.
2012-10-13 22:29#67462 rush2513 : Which is why I've always found the manager contract negotiations pretty pointless as well apart from wanting to ask for a longer contract the wage doesn't matter at all.
I asked once. The money you ask during a contract negotiation comes out your staff budget !!! So if you ask for more pointless money you get to spend less on your assistant manager, coaches, physio's and scouts !!!!!
That's why I always select the minimum wage and the maximum contract lenght :)
Is there another purpose of this thing in the game? because it doesn't exists before & now it does
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