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Custom banners for your stories

If you're writing a story on and you need a custom banner made, just ask me.
Started on 24 October 2012 by Stam
Latest Reply on 11 April 2023 by Fleev
2013-04-26 18:22#95088 Devil. :
2013-04-25 23:34#94868 Sonalexwild : Is there a FIFA Ballon d'Or Banner?
There is now :P

Haha, nice one :))
Hey can I get a banner for Cambridge United who play in the Blue square premier league?
2013-04-28 09:10#95786 LJO200 :
There you go!

mate that is amazing!! thank you for that!!!
Can someone make me a Man City banner, A "Kinky" Comeback, with a little picture of FA Cup and Capital One Cup please :) need it for the new season!

A little similar to this...
2013-04-28 20:39#96118 MCFCDAP : Can someone make me a Man City banner, A "Kinky" Comeback, with a little picture of FA Cup and Capital One Cup please :) need it for the new season!

A little similar to this...

Will do :)
Love it mate! Thanks :-) i will be using it in my update tonight
Can i have two banners made please? One for Forest Green and one for Newcastle please?
Im changing my Forest Green story to wrexham, so could i have a banner for them please? Decided on the story this morning
Sure thing.
A couple i have made for my story, thought i'd list em incase anyone else wants them:

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