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Manager reputation

Need your help
Started on 28 November 2012 by abeardo83
Latest Reply on 29 November 2012 by abeardo83
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS9113
Hi folks, hope you can help me.

So, I've been struggling to get my players motivated to play for me (as Liverpool) and also can;t seem to get anyone with a good reputation to sign for me either. One of my friends thought it might be because of my reputation.

When I checked, my reputation is set to 'Automatic' or whatever that means. Does anyone know of a way I can change this without starting all over again?

Not sure about FM13, but in FM12 you couldn't change your manager reputation in the middle of a game. Once you set your reputation, it remains for the duration of your save.
Thanks - I thought as much.
Oh well, guess I need to start again. I can't be doing with no one listening to me, or signing for me.

You are reading "Manager reputation".

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