"Punctuation and grammar IS important."
I hate to be the one to tell you, but it's "Punctuation and grammar ARE important"
Still, this is a very nice basic guide for writers.
I moderate the FMS section on the SEGA company boards (community,sigames,com) and am glad to have found this particular section of this website. Our corner of the web has a strict rule against screen shots to encourage people to tell their stories with words instead of pictures. Sort of the "George R.R. Martin" approach only with a few thousand fewer pages!
Because of those house rules, which obviously don't apply here, allow me to add a few other writing formats to your list too:
DAILY DIARY - Far and away the hardest form of writing because it requires the deepest character work and development. You won't be writing about football all the time -- in fact,
most of the time you won't be writing about football. This form should only be attempted by the experienced writer because it is very easy for stories of this nature to collapse of their own weight.
THIRD PERSON STYLE: Written as an onlooker, not necessarily a journalist. Perhaps the most common form of novel writing. More flexible than the daily diary, this form allows the writer to be "omniscient" or detached at discretion.
SIMPLE SUMMARY: For those writers who simply want to share their results without using screenies. It's a straight match write-up style with no frills.