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FMScout's Got Talent

Started on 25 April 2013 by JamieFMS
Latest Reply on 17 May 2013 by AlexSonwild
  • POSTS1042
  • VIEWS279381
not sure who i dont want to end up at, but id love to start at Rangers and build up through the third division :D
Looking forward to this :D wish i could write stories half as well as the guys here but glad to be involved in this one
what is the CA / PA you will be giving us all?
Don't want to end up at Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal, West Ham, Barcelona
I hope I don't join Spurs. That lot are nuts.
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Update 1: Your Player

Akash Vidyasagar - Akash

Arvind Krishna - Arvind

Ben Warner - Blue

Cosmin Marian Stanila - Tellak

Cristian Cazan - crisrko

Danilo Santana - Toon

Delroy Wilberhand - Chris

Derrick Porritt - MCFCDAP

Donat Qorrolli - Donatt

Dylan Herremans - Dylan

Gianluigi Buffon Jr. - Justice96

Glenn Tham - Glenn T

Jamie King - MrJK

Jason Hunt - The Madridista

Jeff Carstensen - jeffc

Jeremy Pauker - PaukerJ

JJ Lister - JL00

Joseph McHale - FMJynx

Josh Sleightholm - TCO

Joshua Bean - BeanyUnited

Jozef Ostrowski - The Special one

Kane Brooker - Devil.

Krupesh Shah - k1rups

Lee Chatters - Lee The Bee

Liam Brocklesby - Liambrocklesby

Louis Ostrowski - LJO200

Lutor Tar - bigluey

Mark Mayhem - darkstallion873

Mark Peter Kolatowicz - MarkKolatowicz

Neal Hasan - neal09

Paul Bolsens - Caelis

Raphaël Scott - Sonalexwild

Sam Magarry - TheFMBeast

Sheldon Cooper - OnTheBallCityNCFC

Tobias Danny - 9thCodebreaker

Zdenyak Zebroski - The Czech

Ziechael - ziechael

I see I'm wanted by 13 clubs :)
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15 clubs. ;)
2013-04-25 14:34#94676 MrJK : 15 clubs. ;)

Well that just goes to show I can't read.
I thought the top 2 stats were supposed to be 15? :o

I suck, but 10 clubs want to sign me. I'm the new Neymar(in terms of overratedness)!
what an awesome job haha thanks go to MrJK
Darn, I'm not wanted yet :/

Good job with the start so far :)
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2013-04-25 14:43#94681 Arvind : I thought the top 2 stats were supposed to be 15? :o

I suck, but 10 clubs want to sign me. I'm the new Neymar(in terms of overratedness)!

They will be eventually, the stats you picked i set at 15 and once your PA is full they will be your best atts.
Strange how only 3 clubs want the keepers, i would have thought unsigned keepers with some good stats would be in demand at lower levels?
My player is awesomly bad! Thought I didn't look at other players so I don't know if everyone is like this.
And if I end at United, I quite the site!

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