Anyone know how to boost balance as well as transfer budget, a club might have 100milion transfer budget but only 15mil balance. Any help would be much appreciated.
Editor Wage budget, balancing budget and the balance
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I know but you can't edit balance only transfer budget
you can edit the wage and the transfer budget, look carefully mate. I can see it.
Ok, maybe i didn't explain to clearly, when i edit the balance it doesn't change, i can give a team 100million transfer budget and 300million balance but the balance isn't adjusted, i get the 100mill but the balance is like 10million.
I haven't tried it myself yet, but I've heard a mate having the same problem. Here's what he did. He entered Man City finances (in the editor). Then copied the balance/current budget and remaining budget, and pasted it into the respective fields at the club he wanted to edit, which worked splendidly. Maybe you could try something of the same?
i put the balance as something like 948397593038 and then the transfer budget to 1277493049 (1.2 billion) which is more than enough lol. although the most i have managed to get in terms of wage budget is 1 million pound and dont know if you can do anymore
Hi sorry im new on this and was wondering if anyone can help me ?
i have the FMRTE editor ive loaded it and everything but whe i go to change the trasnfer budget it dont seem to work can anyone help me with this.
i have the FMRTE editor ive loaded it and everything but whe i go to change the trasnfer budget it dont seem to work can anyone help me with this.
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