FM14 Team Guides
So, FM14 is nearing its way towards us, little bits of information have been leaked about it despite it only probably being released towards the final months of 2013. Each Year Sports Interactive releases a New Football Manager, and along with that, comes a lot more newbs, now you may already know the game inside out and back to front, and they are the people who can really help with this.
Last Year I believe Nick Johnson (FM Rookie) and a few other members all tried to make 'Team Guides' for each and every club in the Football Manager Database. Eventually it got to the stage where it didn't happen, and they were all told it'd happen next year, and it is going to, but we need active, and reliable members. The project is being coordinated by myself and TVDLC123.
So you may be wondering what will be involved in the Team Guides? I am still asking myself that question to be honest. FM14 is quite a time away, so there will be plenty of time to work out what will be in the Team Guides. To give you a quick idea, there will be things such as;
And a hell of alot more. Now the problem I see before it's even begun is that people will want certain leagues, teams etc etc. Now it'd be really helpful if this didn't happen. Nobody will be assigning you teams/leagues if you wish to help, just prompting you with ones you should. For instance, it'd be pointless me doing a German League to begin with where I could leave that to people who are familiar with that League, and me doing a League I am more suited to. So Yeah, Let me know via PM, or down below if you want to help with this, but make sure you can, you have to be a dedicated person, you can't just give up halfway through.
The Leagues
So if theres going to be any success for this, I need people to agree to helping fairly early on, I plan to cover most leagues that are already in the game, but I don't see why we can't do the ones that are possible to place in the game as well.
If you are definitely up for this, choose a league now. We will probably have two or more people working on each league to take some of the workload off of an individual. Other leagues will be added. I myself will happily do the leagues nobody else is interested in.

Premier League
League 1
League 2

La Liga
Segunda División

Ligue 1
Ligue 2

2. Bundesliga

Serie A
Serie B
If you have any questions, contact myself (LFC) or TVDLC123.