I'm currently working on an editor based on the libraries from this thing aswell.
But i'm running into strange issues.
For 1
When i wish to search for players between 2 ages
I get an error saying that "Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime."
Am i doing something wrong ?
playerList = new List<Player>();
var playerCollection =
from p in fmDataContext.Players
where p.Age >= (int)numAgeMin.Value
&& p.Age <= (int)numAgeMax.Value
select p;
foreach (Player player in playerCollection)
gridPlayers.DataSource = playerList;
Puzzle :
I'm currently working on an editor based on the libraries from this thing aswell.
But i'm running into strange issues.
For 1
When i wish to search for players between 2 ages
I get an error saying that "Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime."
Am i doing something wrong ?
playerList = new List<Player>();
var playerCollection =
from p in fmDataContext.Players
where p.Age >= (int)numAgeMin.Value
&& p.Age <= (int)numAgeMax.Value
select p;
foreach (Player player in playerCollection)
gridPlayers.DataSource = playerList;
Im no programmer dude but it sounds like the date of birth is used somehow in calculating ages?
ok didnt want to release a new version so soon, but i found this quite handy, so im just giving it to you.
minor improvement for me, major for you. You can search for players using special characters whether its in the player's/staff's name or nickname. So Kaka and Gronkjaer will now show up.
Also added info at the top to know which currency you use as well as other stuff, so people will stop getting confused with the values.
Also got some complains that people couldnt find the shortlist menu, so i put it separately.
Also added a readme file with instructions.
let me know of any bugs. im tired so i could have done sth wrong.
puzzle i answered for you in the forum.
Thanks immuner great job is the new version in your download page?
aye. check also the official thread in the si forums.
Great scout tool ideal while waiting on Genie, however been using v.98 and the sale values seem to be a bit off, it's not a big problem cause my scouts pick up the true sale value, it's just a bit annoying when you think you can get someone but then you realise you can’t.
Eg Joe Mattlock Leicester
Immuner’s scout09 sale value £650000ish
FM09 In game scout report initial bid of £2500000
Has anyone else noticed this or is this just a bug on this version.
Any comments would grateful
Cheers to Immuner for a great tool
i think the tool is using euros while in game you are using pounds. so its just a difference of the currency.
yea pretty sure this was discussed in the comments section if im not mistaken?
help me
I cant get ingame fmscout 09 to work. My english and computer is not so got.
I download the file
I open the fm09
I open a game
I press alt+tab
I extract the fmscout09 whit winrar
I press the start butten but it reports a error and ask if i whant to report it to microsoft.
What is wrong ?
Please help me, it will be nice on danish, or swedish
after yous tart the game, start fm scout and press load(from fmscout->load fm09)
You guys need to make sure you have Mircosoft Framework 3.5 installed.
Hello there,
I have almost finished changing the layout as it started becoming too foggy

and adding some new features including positional ratings and search by positional ratings and CA-PA diff. Editing is close to finish as well. You will be able to edit everything you currently see in the profile pages. In a few days i will send it to whoever wants to test it before releasing it. I hope that mostly in a week from now the new version will be out. Again, if you want to test it for me please send me a pm. Or you can simply add me onto msn
[email protected].
Thank you.
I speak personally immuner, but I wouldnt want an edit version on a scout tool. I think it's too much temptation just to completely cheat your way right up to the top, instead of having to buy and sell etc and develop the players with experience and loans etc.
Perhaps you could have the editting version as a separate software, and another version without this ability?
Hi all,
I'm still having problems with this utility, and all other ingame utilities. I have installed the 3.5 frame work, but they don't work.
Any ideas?
I've managed to answer my own question... Once you've got the 3.5 frame work installed, you have to run all the applications as administrator! Can't believe I let something this simple beat me! lol.