Hey guys, I got this offer and I wanted to know what my viewers would do or want me to do, thanks
Stay loyal, because moving clubs is too mainstream!
I hate Bayern, don't go!
2013-07-11 09:21#119325 lwalter66 : Stay loyal, because moving clubs is too mainstream!
I hate Bayern, don't go!
2013-07-11 09:43#119328 ziechael : It pains me to vote for the move but i had to in the end... too good to turn down
2013-07-11 09:50#119329 bebero : Go to Bayer, could there be a big challenge, new team, to recover.
2013-07-11 10:12#119336 Northwood : Are you telling a Jimmy Bullard or a Fulham story?
Lucas_C : It was Fulham, now its going to be switched to Bullard
2013-07-11 10:37#119341 Inferno : Hope you stay with Fulham but I don't blame you if you move to Bayern like ziechael said it's too good to turn down. Good luck!
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