Tactic Troubles - The board don't like his style or approach, Stedman had promised them attacking football when they offered him his contract, in his view he had provided just that. A fluid, free flowing tactic that balanced style with substance and provided results to boot. However, the men with the money are becoming increasingly disgruntled, claiming that Stedman's style was less than attractive, not, easy on the eye...
*Stedman enters a lowly lit office room, to find Chairman Michael Slater sitting behind his desk waiting for him*
"Mr Slater, you wanted to see me?" Kieran spoke slowly, surely, yet politely.
"Yes, 'Gaff', we need to talk about some of the promises you made on signing your contract..."
"Michael! You know I have always remained withing budgets and guidelines, I even had to move my home as my former residence didn't fit the club 'Brand'".
"Now, Kieran we've been through that, you know we're all very grateful for your...sacrifice...no no, it's not that".
Slater hesitated now, suddenly unsure of himself, conscious of everything in the room, completely aware of the humidity of the air. He did not know what to do with his hands, and totally focused on the size of the man that sat before him.
"The board and I are concerned that the side are not playing the attacking football you had promised, the fans are beginning to make, noises..."
"The only noises the fans are making are the chants they sing, hailing my success here, they are delighted to see a newly promoted team 2nd in the league. As should you be!"
"Oh don't get me wrong, your success is undeniable, and undoubtedly unrivaled by other managers in the league, we're just concerned..."
"Just because a team plays with a big, old fashioned striker does not mean they can't play attractive football, I have always striven to do everything I am expected to at this club and I am offended that you would suggest otherwise!"
Mr Stedman was becoming visibly angry now, he had half a mind to leave, he controlled his body, gluing himself to his chair. He had made a good start at Charlton, why waste it now?
Stedman firmly believed that a big striker did not always mean route 1 football, it could be attractive, he thought his team had proved that...
"Calm down Kieran, Your job is safe, We're over the moon with how well your doing we just thought it best to nip this problem in the bud before it became a serious issue..."
"Perhaps if you and your board came to some of our games you might see for yourself that the football we play is more than attractive!"
Kieran rose from his, chair and strode confidently out of the room, ignoring Slater's calls. He walked purposefully down the well known hallways and into the cold, crisp night. Thoughts raced in his head, had the football really been dull? No, he was sure the team had played attacking football, he'd made a point of it. Mr Stedman climbed into his black car, unsure if he'd still have his job in the morning...