The days get longer, the nights get shorter, long shadows dance on the floor and the distinct smell of freshly cut grass fills the air. A gentle breeze tugs at the mans trousers, but there is no hint of rain, as the sun sets over London. From around the corner the man can smell the merest hint of freshly baked bread and hears gentle footsteps moving towards him. The shadow of The Valley towers over him. The man turns the corner to see the bakery his nose had already provided proof of and he sees a silhouette striding, calmly, slowly, yet purposefully towards him. The man is nervous, his hands clammy, “Thank you once again for this opportunity". The man says, trying to make his hoarse, rough voice sound like something nearing polite, the man extends his hand in an offer to his new companion.

"Welcome aboard, I trust you are this Mr Stedman the Chairman has been telling me so much about? I'm Alex Dyer, I am to be your Assistant." Dyer grasps his hand, firmly.
Stedman relaxes on hearing that the man he had almost feared, is to be his assistant, his right hand. Although they had never met before Mr Stedman felt more at ease in knowing that, he trusted Dyer already. The pair walk together into the stadium as Dyer gives Stedman a tour of his new workplace, quite a step up from Whitstable Town that's for sure!

Soon after the pair part ways, Stedman returns to his cold, unwelcoming hotel room and draws up in his head the plans for training tomorrow, whilst nursing a Scotch. He stays up till the small hours, drawing out cones, poles and hurdles, tomorrow would be a big day.

He wakes around 7am, the papers sticking to his cheek as he lifts it from the desk. Soon he realises the time and begins rushing around the room. Mr Stedman showers and changes from his tired, creased suit into his pristine Charlton Athletic Training kit. He leaves the hotel with a few days stubble clinging to his face and forming a dark shadow beneath his jaws.