Toronto FC vs Tottenham Hotspur
This friendly match is new manager
Alex Heardman's first game in charge, and many people will be making their first opinions on the 25 year-old, so the pressure's on for him to impress. Can he deliver?
Tottenham's Starting XI (4-1-3-2)
Christian David
Rob van der Meulen
Basden Babalola
Scott Duncan
Enzo Sclauzero
Domagoj Oroz
Renzo Quondam
Johan Vestergaard
Robert Roorda
Arjan Hut
Fred Kabasele
Keven O'Conner (Toronto)
Robert Roorda (Tottenham)
Marcus Fernandes (Toronto)
Heardman's Verdict
A terrible first game, but it's only a friendly, and I know what I can change now. We played well, we just couldn't convert our chances or possession into goals. I hope that we can work on this by the start of the season.