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Liverpool: Brothers in arms!

Started on 6 September 2013 by Aaron
Latest Reply on 8 September 2013 by Aaron
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Aaron's avatar Group Aaron
11 yearsEdited

Barnes's break down

Today, football came to a stand still as England and most of Europe Witnessed former Liverpool & England Footballing legend John Barnes break down into a flood of tears Live on Sky sports news! Barnesy was reporting on the Manchester United vs Liverpool game that saw Liverpool run out 1-0 winners when suddenly he just burst into tears! Unable to control his emotions, former southampton player matt le tissier was on hand to calm Barnes down and take him out of the studio for a little break. We managed to get hold of Matt and find out what happened!

"Hi,John staple, from the BBC. We just wanted to ask about John Barnes and find out what happened earlier today?"
"Look, Johno has hit a slight rough patch...nothing more! I don't feel it is my place to comment on what actually happened, I think we should wait for John to say himself but for now I'm staying quiet!"
"Ok! Well fair enough Matt! Goodbye!"

Well, there is what Matt had to say on this very sad, upsetting situation...we still do not know why Barnes broke down in the way he did, but we do know a lot of former team mates have rallied round to support him! More on BBC Sport coming soon!
Scary :O :P

Good luck, wonder what's wrong :D
2013-09-06 20:21#133816 AlexTHFC : Scary :O :P

Good luck, wonder what's wrong :D

next update should be up in the next hhalf hour!;)
Good luck :D
Nice opening post, I look forward to this :)
2013-09-06 16:50#133821 Walter : Nice opening post, I look forward to this :)
Aaron's avatar Group Aaron
11 yearsEdited

An uneeded apology

The traffic, awoke john from a much needed sleep, still half asleep he got out of bed and stumbled towards the window.
"OI, cant you see people are trying to sleep? have respect...bloody people"
John,turned and walked towards the bathroom, he took a quick look back to look at the clock in the hallway.
Cursing about the traffic under his breath, john took a look at himself in the bathroom mirror.
"God damn, look at me, im a mess! I need to set the record straight!
He walked downstairs still half asleep, he pulled on a black, warm, leathery jacket and brought himself to the front door, he opened it, and didnt look back...until he had to lock up of course before trudging towards his matt black porsche and setting off to the SKY SPORTS building...
unaware of what he was doing john stupidly swung his car into the first parking space, bumping into the car infront.
"well, i suppose that could of gone alot worse."
he got out of his car and stormed into the building.
"Sir! ...excuse me sir!"
John blatantly ignoring the receptionist carried on going towards the skysports news studio pushing open the door.
"John? John are you okay?"
"Yes...yes im fine! are you on an ad break?
"yes bu.."
john interupts.
"oh thank god!I need to say sorry, on here! live! I want to put the record straight..."
"john its 4 in the morning?!"
"Well,you can show it later no?"
"i guess...Go on then."
"Thankyou so much alex!"
"Its okay, just sit hear and speak!"
"Are we live?"
"1...2...3, Action!"
"Okay...Hi, guys! i know you werent expecting me on here so suddenly but i need to set things straight. The last time i was on here, i broke down, in tears! And i wanted to say sorry, mostly to liverpool and united fans as i was reporting on your match! The reason it happened is because 24 years ago on that day my brother passed on...he was a victim of the hillsborough disaster and was put into a coma for a good few months before we were told he wouldnt wake up...we had to...pull the plug so to speak, *tears run down barnes's cheeks* and the worst bit is...the worst bit is, i was there! i knew he was at the game, as soon as i knew what was happening i tried to find him, i did! but i couldnt. Thats something ive been blamed for my whole life, not just by me,but my family! there we go! i felt like i needed to say... so the media would shut up and also to say sorryto you guys at home for breaking down in the way i did and also to my family! Goodbye...

Nice update, very creative but sad too.

Btw, I made a banner for you on the Custom Banners thing ;)
2013-09-06 21:26#133833 Walter : Nice update, very creative but sad too.

Btw, I made a banner for you on the Custom Banners thing ;)

i know, thank you so much! cant even begin to explain how good it is...i know who to come to when i need a banner;)
2013-09-06 21:29#133836 AaronHJFT96 :
2013-09-06 21:26#133833 Walter : Nice update, very creative but sad too.

Btw, I made a banner for you on the Custom Banners thing ;)

i know, thank you so much! cant even begin to explain how good it is...i know who to come to when i need a banner;)

Haha no problem ;) And yeah I love making banners so I will not refuse!
Good luck with the story :)

Stepping up!

The campaign for justice over the hillsborough disaster has seemingly stepped up a notch after John Barnes' recent confession on sky sports. It is now known just 1 day later 500 thousand pounds has been donated to the hillsborough foundation

We managed to get hold of Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers to get his view on the matter!

"I think it's a really good day for Liverpool, we can gladly say the campaign for justice has stepped up a lot! Although I wish Anne Williams could've been here to see this sadly she has passed on, however Liverpool football club wish to carry the tenacity and fight of Anne into the battle of justice! I also think we have John Barnes to thank for our success this week as without his story, the impact may not of been so strong and powerful...Goodbye!"

The Sacking

Today, it was revealed that liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers could not carry on with his post at liverpool and needed to move on! Most fans seem to be shocked by his resignation as a new era for liverpool looked like it was emerging from the talent of young rodgers! Brendan did make a statement and sky can now reveal the reasons he had to step down!

"I feel I cannot continue as liverpool manager as I cannot seem to find the backing from our board, they're pathetic! The money for transfers is there but I do not want this, I have mad my signings and do not wish to make any more! I have asked politley time and time again to take away my remaining budget and invest in youth, and our stadium! However they can't seem to grasp the consept of developing our youth which is what I want and need to do! That is all,goodbye!"

Some strong words from Rodgers there! Now liverpool are on the hunt for their fourth manager since the sacking of rafael benitez in the 2009-10 season! More on sky sports news coming soon.

Aldo's message

So here we are then, my new beginning...I was only watching match of the day when the text came through,the text that would change my life, for the better!
“bloody hell who could that be at this time of night”
I quickly picked up my phone, it scared me half to death!
*John, Its aldo! I know its late, but I need to see you right away! Please, meet me at the Bootroom in half an hour. I’m sure you’re aware of where that is...c ya!
“aldo? What could be so possibly urgent that he needs to meet me now?”
At this time, I wasn’t sure what he wanted Nonetheless I got up out of my chair and drove to Anfield, the journey was an annoyance! I kept trying to think of what John might want words just kept whirling round my head. Once I had arrived, I quickly ran in to the Bootroom Cafe...there he was in the corner!
“Eyy, how are we barnsey?”
“Better. A lot better thank-you! What is it you wanted?”
“Listen, obviously i know about recent problems with you...and I wanted to tell you something, I think you should become a manager! I know you’ve already managed before but this time, I think you should take it seriously!”
“John, I...I want to become a manager, a proper one! But, my CV isn’t good at all, how could I get a job?”
“I’ve already got you a job ya spoon, haha!”
“What? Where?...WHO?”
“Well, you’re sittin’ in their cafe right now! I thought you would of guessed why id brought ya to Anfield?”
“, What? Seriuosly? How?!”
“ I have my ways. Now, listen! Henry, Werner and Ayre want to see you tomorrow! Colin Pascoe and I will be there and I’m hearing Ayre wants the G-force there to!”
“Gerrard, ya fekin spanner!”
“Oh, haha! Obviously! Thank-you so much john, this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me...i WILL repay you!
“Okay, then. I look forward to that, meeting is here at this table at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Don’t be late!
“Okay, thank-you so much John! Thank-you...goodbye!
I walked out of the room with a sort of swagger about me. I felt on top of the world...but I hadn’t got the job yet, I had to keep cool, calm, collective.

Slit my veins, I bleed Liverpool red!

The second journey to the Bootroom was an intense one. I felt stiff and nervous, would I pull this off? Would I become Liverpool manager...and bring back the glory days? Or will I just be another Roy hodson? If I got this contract,Liverpool football club would be my responsibility, if I failed it would be my fault! But there ain't a chance in hell I'm gunna fail, I will succeed and lead Liverpool to everlasting glory!

I took the first step into the café, there they were! Like John said they would be. Henry had a a bit of a serious look about him, he looked very determined
To find his new manager, I only hoped that was me...

Henry: "John, good afternoon. I assume Aldo has told you why you're here?"
John: "Yes, sir. You wanted to talk about Liverpool's managerial vacancy?"
Henry: "Indeed. I want you! I want you as new Liverpool manager!"
John: "Why?"
Henry: what do you mean why? Usually people would jump up and shout yes? What's the problem?"
John: "Nothing? I want to know why!"
Henry: "*sighs* John, I want you here because you're a Liverpool legend. You can get these boys going! They look up to legends like you!
Gerrard: "Alright lads, sorry I'm late!"
Henry: " Ah, Steven! He'll tell you John!"
Gerrard: "Tell you what!"
Henry: "Steven, it's true that when you were only young, you looked up to Liverpool legends like Barnes no?"
Gerrard: " Ah, no question lad! I grew up watching you John! I looked up to ya, I still do! So do the lads in the's people like you that inspire them!"
John: " huh! I didn't look at it that way. Thanks Steve! But Henry, you want me here because I'm a legend...have you even looked at my CV? You haven't spoken about my leadership and managerial skills?"
Henry:, I suppose I haven't."
John: "We'll then that settles that then! Now listen, anyone in there right mind were turn you down, you haven't looked at my managerial skills...! Luckily for you, I'm one crazy guy.Slit my veins, I bleed liverpool red...ey stevie *whinks* I'm yours!"
Henry: "Thank god, John Im sure just being a legend here and knowing what t
This club means to you is enough proof to say you'll be a success, thank-you!"
Ayer: "Sign here please lad!"


Name: J.Barnes
Occupancy: Manager
Wage: 44k weekly
Contract length: 1 year
Conditions: play attacking football/Develop home grown youth players!
Signature: John Barnes

*Shakes hands one after the other*
Gerrard: "Thanks for signing John, I'm sure you'll do we'll here and I can't wait to work with you, I'm sure the lads are excited to!"
Aldo: "I knew you could do it." *whinks*

So, there we are! My new contract, my new life. I could not wait!

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