Slit my veins, I bleed Liverpool red!
The second journey to the Bootroom was an intense one. I felt stiff and nervous, would I pull this off? Would I become Liverpool manager...and bring back the glory days? Or will I just be another Roy hodson? If I got this contract,Liverpool football club would be my responsibility, if I failed it would be my fault! But there ain't a chance in hell I'm gunna fail, I will succeed and lead Liverpool to everlasting glory!
I took the first step into the café, there they were! Like John said they would be. Henry had a a bit of a serious look about him, he looked very determined
To find his new manager, I only hoped that was me...
Henry: "John, good afternoon. I assume Aldo has told you why you're here?"
John: "Yes, sir. You wanted to talk about Liverpool's managerial vacancy?"
Henry: "Indeed. I want you! I want you as new Liverpool manager!"
John: "Why?"
Henry: what do you mean why? Usually people would jump up and shout yes? What's the problem?"
John: "Nothing? I want to know why!"
Henry: "*sighs* John, I want you here because you're a Liverpool legend. You can get these boys going! They look up to legends like you!
Gerrard: "Alright lads, sorry I'm late!"
Henry: " Ah, Steven! He'll tell you John!"
Gerrard: "Tell you what!"
Henry: "Steven, it's true that when you were only young, you looked up to Liverpool legends like Barnes no?"
Gerrard: " Ah, no question lad! I grew up watching you John! I looked up to ya, I still do! So do the lads in the's people like you that inspire them!"
John: " huh! I didn't look at it that way. Thanks Steve! But Henry, you want me here because I'm a legend...have you even looked at my CV? You haven't spoken about my leadership and managerial skills?"
Henry:, I suppose I haven't."
John: "We'll then that settles that then! Now listen, anyone in there right mind were turn you down, you haven't looked at my managerial skills...! Luckily for you, I'm one crazy guy.Slit my veins, I bleed liverpool red...ey stevie *whinks* I'm yours!"
Henry: "Thank god, John Im sure just being a legend here and knowing what t
This club means to you is enough proof to say you'll be a success, thank-you!"
Ayer: "Sign here please lad!"
Name: J.Barnes
Occupancy: Manager
Wage: 44k weekly
Contract length: 1 year
Conditions: play attacking football/Develop home grown youth players!
Signature: John Barnes
*Shakes hands one after the other*
Gerrard: "Thanks for signing John, I'm sure you'll do we'll here and I can't wait to work with you, I'm sure the lads are excited to!"
Aldo: "I knew you could do it." *whinks*
So, there we are! My new contract, my new life. I could not wait!