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EPL Shirt Numbers for FM15

Change the shirt numbers on the tactics to those of the English Premier League.

By on Dec 20, 2014   32948 views   24 comments
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Downloads: 4165 / Size: 1.6 MB / Added: 2014-12-20
FM 2015 Misc Graphics - EPL Shirt Numbers for FM15

How to install

Step 1

Download the .7z archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract the contents.

Step 2

Copy those folders to:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\numbers

Create folder "graphics" and subfolders if they don't exist already.

Step 3

Run Football Manager 2015 and go to: Preferences > Interface

Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called 'Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences' and un-tick then box saying 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'. Hit Confirm.

There should be a box that pops up saying 'loading image data for the new skin'. Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game.

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Downloads: 4165 / Size: 1.6 MB / Added: 2014-12-20
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Discussion: EPL Shirt Numbers for FM15

24 comments have been posted so far.

  • Thompsson's avatar
  • ekan79's avatar

    Yes, yes and yes, ive done everything that been said.

    Another link so you can see better.
  • Thompsson's avatar
    Rename folder from "2D" in "2d". Must be small letter "d"
  • ekan79's avatar
    Daz,yes, thats how my folder are aswell, still wont work......I even reinstalled the game, twice, still NO DAMN NUMBERS on the kits in tactics.
  • DAZS8's avatar
    Its not rocket science....LOL

    Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\2d

    Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\numbers

  • Thompsson's avatar
    Great mod for FM! Can somebody do the same but with this year Premier League numbers font?
  • ekan79's avatar
    Ive tried everything now, still dont work, the guy who figuers this out must be a master of editing!
  • ekan79's avatar
    SAme problem as most here, number aint showing in tactics on the kits, what do I wrong? kits in 2d folder, I tried diff options like in this post.....gaahh
  • troy's avatar
    yes the epl number folder should be in the 2d folder
  • fascinoso73's avatar
    Boys can not I see the EPL short number!
    In the path indicated by the folder I 2d!
    C: Document Interactive-Sports-Football Manager 2015-graphics-pictures-kits ..
    I have to create the folder I 2d ??
  • fascinoso73's avatar
    Are all your kits in the 2d folder?
  • jculpin's avatar
    The shirt numebers are blank until I move a players then then shirts numbers are displayed any ideas ???
  • jculpin's avatar
    The numbers on the shirts are blank then reappear when I move a players position any ideas??
  • mayday's avatar
    Nice add on for FM, but can you tell me how can I do it by myself and using a different font for the numbers?
    Is it possible for example do it with Comic Sans font?
  • RetroKid1966's avatar
    the lower case thing worked,
    not sure why that has never had any effect on kits, facepacks and logos showing before but that must have been what stopped the numbers.. strange! :)

    cheers for the help guys! :)
  • SJ's avatar
    Make sure the folder names are written in lowercase.. Ex: 2d instead of 2D. (Might also change graphics folder to lowercase) Worked for me! I tried everything else for two days until I tried this. Btw, I have searched for a mod like this for ages, and suddenly I found this out of nowhere. Very happy I got it to work, as it looks awesome ingame. Big thanks to sirwill!
  • RetroKid1966's avatar

    yeah everything is in there,
    i'm just unlucky i guess! :(

    just in case if its the config, mine says;

    <!-- resource manager options -->

    <!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->
    <boolean id="preload" value="false"/>

    <!-- logo mappings -->
    <!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions
    in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any
    place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics
    files from the correct places

    <list id="maps">

    <record from="0" to="graphics/pictures/kits/2D/numbers/default/0"/>



    (it has numbers 0 to 99, i've just took those out as its a long list
    if it's not the config then I'll give up, they look realy good though! :)
    thanks for your help anyway, much appreciated
  • DAZS8's avatar
    Are all your kits in the 2d folder?
  • RetroKid1966's avatar

    I think I've got it just like you,
    it's just not appearing on my game..
    i've tried clearing the cache too now and no difference

    do they only show up on match day?
    I've tried looking on my tactics screen in the main screen and also on the classic mode back of shirt shot on the player profiles
  • DAZS8's avatar
    make sure they are not in a default folder.....just numbers folder with large default small folders inside.....drop that folder in with all your kit folders

    In fact I have my kits set up like this sorrry

    sports interactive/football manager 2015/graphics/pictures/kits/2d/numbers
  • RetroKid1966's avatar
    I've got the 3 (default, large & small) folders in "graphics/pictures/kits/numbers" but it still isn't working, if anyone could help me to see where I've gone wrong then I'd appreciate it?

    I've never had any problems with custom graphics before,
    I've got all the relevant boxes ticked & unticked and all my graphics are showing except this one.

    I've also tried it in "graphics/pictures/numbers" and refreshed but that doesn't seem to do the trick either?
  • Bartdude's avatar
    Cheers Darrell !
  • DAZS8's avatar
    Install info is not correct...
    To get the numbers to show you have to put them in your kits folder Bart


  • Bartdude's avatar
    They're not showing !
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