This database has 4 leagues of nations ready to be played. Can you take a nation from FIFA Nations League 2 all the way to the FIFA Nations Premier League?
The League's are ranked from the current FIFA's World Rankings - April 2019.
We have 20 Teams in the Premier League

We have 24 teams in the Championship

We have 24 teams in League One

We have 24 teams in League Two

How to add the Fifa Nations League on FM 2019
Move the downloaded .fmf file to your editor data folder. By default this is located at:/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019/editor data
If that folder doesn't exist, you need to create it yourself.
Start a new career game with this file enabled.
Discussion: Internation Football - Fifa Nations League
2 comments have been posted so far.
There is no numbers avalaible, I can't press on "continue" (I have to answer to continue).