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FM09SX - Mac Editor for FM 2009

The 1st and only Mac Editor - Updated 16 January 2009

By Updated on Feb 25, 2009   54892 views   19 comments
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Downloads: 11028 / Size: 898.0 kB / Added: 2008-12-27
FM09SX is the long-awaited, first and only Mac Editor for FM 2009 and the first to appear on FM community in general. littleblue released this utility on only, until she could come up with a stable version.
0.3.1 is the latest version released on 16 January 2009 and it's an almost stable version.

Please keep in mind this is a BETA version and there are still bugs and limitations.

FM2009 or WWSM 9.1.0 - 9.2.0
Mac OS X 10.5+
Intel Mac

This utility is created by littleblue. Thank you!!

If you have a bug, please report it on here and IF IT IS A LOADING BUG it is quite likely you will need to send the developer your game to look at. You can use sites such as,, etc to do this and use her email aoumi83 _at_ gmail _dot_ com

Known Bugs - TODO
All known bugs had been fixed so far.


Version 0.3.1
- made some code optimizations to significantly reduce the amount of memory used when loading a game
- fixed peoples ages being incorrectly calculated

Version 0.3
- the editor now uses less memory when loading games
- fixed a bug loading humans (thanks to whoever sent me
- fixed a bug loading a certain news info type (thanks to whoever sent me hoffenheim
- you can now see club general info in the editor view
- you can now see retired person and virtual player general details in the editor view
- you can now see player, non-player and human general details in the editor view
- you can now see officials general details in the editor view
- you can now select single or multiple people in the scout view and jump to those peoples' detailed stats in the editor view
- you can now see human details in the editor view
- you can now see playing and non-playing details for people with both roles in the editor view
- you can now see journalist and spokesperson general details in the editor view
- you can now see non player stats for non players and person stats for players, non-players

Version 0.2.3
- you can now view language, sponsor and currency details in the editor view
- fixed 2 more loading bugs with press conference question infos (thanks Chelsea4Lyf)
- you can now select multiple people at once in the scout view to add to shortlist

- fixed a bug where contract filters wouldn't work (thanks Diego_Werderdona)
- editor view static entities now show images when selected

Version 0.2.2
- fixed a memory leak
- you can now search for people through the editor search by surname or common name
- fixed a bug crashing the options view on changing options in some events
- you can now search for people by club
- fixed a press conference question info bug
- made the editor wider
- you can now filter scout results by regens or non-regens
- added a shortlist icon to the toolbar
- you can now see game and unique IDs for entities in the editor view
- you can now add staff to your shortlist from the editor view

Version 0.2.1
- fixed 2 press conference question info bugs (thanks algurgazan)
- fixed the scout view resize bug
- added the ability to search by language, weather, sponsor, currencies, media in the editor search

- fixed a bug which would cause a crash to ANY game being loaded
- fixed 2 press conference question info bugs (thanks algurgazan)
- fixed the scout view resize bug
- added the ability to search by language, weather, sponsor, currencies, media in the editor search

Version 0.2
- added the yth status icon to scout results
- you can now filter free transfer people and expired people
- you can now filter people with contracts expiring in 6 months and 1 year
- fixed a bug where 'ctr' would be displayed for free transfer players too
- wages are now shown in the scout results table
- you can now see a persons club in the scout results view
- you can now filter people by whether they are listed for transfer or loan
- added "req", "lst", "loa" status icons in the scout view
- added a nation filter to the scout
- nation filtering now takes into account a persons other nationalities
- added a nation column to the scout table

Version 0.1.4
- added support for an unknown news info filter "iehp" (thanks mikaelaustin)
- fixed a bug where a new human array wouldnt be read properly (thanks mikaelaustin)
- fixed the scout view slowing down crazily and taking forever to handle its views
- the ALL operator is now the default in the scout options
- removed the UID table column and added an Age and Position table column
- you can now search people by age and positional rating
- you can now sort the scout table columns
- added status icons on scout results (inj, wnt, ban, ctr)
- updated the icon
- removed the options toolbar box
- added basic editor search box searching for nations and clubs

Version 0.1.3
- fixed a press conference question info loading bug (thanks fowler77)
- fixed a bug where a scout query would contain someone with an invalid common name and not display any results
- you can now create and save player shortlists
- you can now create staff shortlists

Version 0.1.2
- added a base value and sale value table column
- you can now search players by base value, sale value, condition, jadedness, fitness, morale

Version 0.1.1
- added the ability to search by reputation, height, weight, CA, PA, playing stats
- added playing and non-playing ca + pa stats to the table view
- you can now search by hitting enter in the filter box
- removed alot of obsolete code, reducing file size

Version 0.1
- fixed a couple of press conference question info loading bugs
- added the ability to search by person stats in the scout view

Download Now
Downloads: 11028 / Size: 898.0 kB / Added: 2008-12-27
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