This is a minor update that mainly fixes a stability issue and addresses a minimum wage problem in French leagues.
This update is currently available only for FM. The FMT Update is due to follow in the next 2 days (by Thursday).
Released: 22 January 2019
As usual the update is save game compatible, so you don't have to start a new save game. However, any fixes related to competitions rules or schedules require you to start a new game.
To update you will need to close down Football Manager 2019 and re-launch for it to update. If this does not work for you or you feel it has not updated you will need to restart Steam.
Even if that doesn't do the trick, then verify the game cache will.
19.2.2 List of Changes
- Fixed issue whereby game could have stability issues in hotseat/multiple user manager saves- Addressed problem related to minimum wages in French leagues being too high (requires new save)
If you encounter any issues please do take the time to raise them via the FM2019 bugs official forum.
Discussion: Football Manager 2019 Patch 19.2.2 - Hotfix Update
4 comments have been posted so far.
We've just released minor update 19.2.3 which is available to download via Steam.
As always, for those of you currently playing FM, we'd suggest saving the game before exiting which will then allow the game to download and update. If for whatever reason it doesn't update, we'd recommend restarting Steam. For all other users the download should automatically begin the next time you launch Steam.
This update is save game compatible and the changelist can be found below.
19.2.3 Changelist
- Fix for performance/lagging issues occurring for some users on Mac
- Fix for purple/black ball incorrectly appearing in certain competitions
- Further fixes for problem related to minimum wages in French leagues being too high (requires new save)