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FMT Stadium Superpack vFM20.1

4382 stadium images in a larger size to reflect the increase in size of the stadium panels on most custom skins and prevent blurring. The pics will show up in the club info screen and several other places depending on the skin.

By Updated on Dec 01, 2019   496318 views   29 comments
Download Now
Downloads: 160212 / Size: 1.6 GB / Added: 2019-11-18
FM 2020 Misc Graphics - FMT Stadium Superpack vFM20.1
The main download link with always be kept up to date with any updates applied, if you have already downloaded the main pack then there are links for individual updates available below.

These pictures won't work with the default skin when playing the full version of the game.

The pictures will show up on the team info screen, on the news screen, in the processing bar, on a match-day and in the stadium profile page.

The pack contains 4382 images of which the majority are 800x480px in size.

If you already have the FM19 pack with all three updates applied then you don't need to download the pack again just download the below update and move the contents into the pack.

Update 20.0 Download

If you already have the original FM20 pack released in November then you don't need to download the pack again just download the below update and move the contents into the pack.

Update 20.1 Download

1/12/19 155 images taking the number of images in the pack up to 4382.


Installation instructions

Step 1
Extract downloaded file to a temporary folder.
In order to extract you will need either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac.
Step 2
Move the folder to:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\graphics\
Create the folder "graphics" if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Run Football Manager 2020 and go to: Preferences > Interface
Hit the "Clear Cache" button at the top, and then hit the "Reload Skin" button at the bottom.

Download Now
Downloads: 160212 / Size: 1.6 GB / Added: 2019-11-18
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