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Juventus 2015 Tactical Analysis

FM 2016 tactic based on Allegri's Juventus that nearly won the treble in 2015. High pressure, solid defending, slow control football.

By on Feb 19, 2016   28176 views   0 comments
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Downloads: 5104 / Size: 39.8 kB / Added: 2016-02-19
FM 2016 Tactics - Juventus 2015 Tactical Analysis
Massimiliano Allegri led Juventus FC nearly to the treble in 2015. I found a video analysis of this tactic that you can watch below.

Based on that, I created a tactic for FM 2016.

The key components of this tactic are:
- A high pressure play of the 4 midfielders to force the opponent to play over the wings.
- Solid defending.
- Playing on own half we play in a slow and controlled pace, but when we're on the opponents half we start playing more direct. This is accomplished with individual player instructions.

Here are the team instructions:

I have to admit that I just created this tactic, so I will post some results in the near future. At first sight the tactic seems to work. I'm currently playing with Oxfort City, but I like you guys to give it a try and post your results with any other club.

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Downloads: 5104 / Size: 39.8 kB / Added: 2016-02-19
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