MacAssistant RT was the only scout tool available for Mac OS X and Football Manager 2013. It's a great honor to continue the exclusive release of the only tool for Mac.
The new version will have support for OS X 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9. And it will be backwards compatible with Football Manager 2013. There are a few new features planned, but can't reveal anything specific about these at this point. There's also a plan to add editing functionality, which never made it to the FM13 version for various reasons.
Thanos needs 5 beta testers to help him to iron out any nasty bugs before making it available for public use. So if you want to be 1 of the 5 testers, post a comment below and he will send you a private message with details.
Mac users who have been counting on Genie Scout by using Winebottler (or similar) in previous years (until FM12), sadly GS14 won't work with Mac at all - same as with GS13.
Discussion: MacAssistant RT for FM14 is confirmed
24 comments have been posted so far.
Yes, I plan to add editing capabilities, eventually. I'm not impressed by SI's editor either.
Sidebar -- SI's IGE is terrible compared to third-party editors such as FMRTE.
I would like to help.
beta testing is going well, we've identified two major bugs that I'm currently fixing. The only other thing missing for now is staff data, but once I'll fix the bugs this shouldn't take long. Expect a mid-week first release.
BTW I am looking very much forward to it!!
I start in the lower leagues and this is a must have for me
I'll send you all the first test version as soon as it's ready.
Played FM since it was named CM (01/02 series)
Waiting for response
As a dedicated FM-player, I would be honored to be one of the 5 beta testers for the MacAssistant RT 2014.
Kind Regards,