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Mini-SE for 8.01 + Older versions

You can now find Mini Scout Editor on our downloads area

By Updated on Dec 03, 2007   5721 views   0 comments
Mini-SE allows you to see in real time some hidden player information and search for players by certain criteria. You can also edit player attributes.

Mini-SE v1.3 is compatible with the latest 8.01 patch and with Windows XP.

You can get it here and read all the necessary information about it, including all changelog details since its initial release.

UPDATE: Updated version uploaded!
UPDATE: Provided link for older versions, compatible with FM unpatched, first beta patch and second beta patch!

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About Stam

I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it every year. Husband and father of two.

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