Pais Supremo FManager 2016: A League with 197 teams of 52 countries, in 8 divisions for Football Manager 2016. (English language)
Update transfers until February
Give me your opinion about this League in the comments. It's very important to keep the project quality.
Concept - Join the biggest teams of various countries, give them the same economy power allowing they equalize their reputation over time.
GamePlay - In this format the game should become more attractive, interesting and less boring. It will be very common in the game, verify top teams like Barcelona, Man Utd and other, getting down in their divisions, while you will see team getting up from down divisions and reaching the top. If you like to start a career without a team or with small teams and then going up, this is the best way.
Country - This league was created on Wales that now is called "País Supremo" (Supreme Country), which was removed from United Kingdom. It was added new languages, like spanish, portuguese, italian and french besides to keep the english.
Cities - It was created new cities and regions to add the teams, splitting the teams by speak languages. If a team comes from a different native language from the above said, the team was set at english area.
Finance - All team starts with R$ 250 M (around $90 M nowadays - current value in real life), being R$ 100 M (around $30 M) to tranfers. It was removed all team sponsorships and inserted equal new sponsorship to all teams. individual TV deals was also removed. The teams will receive only money from the league, which varies between R$ 100 M (around $30 M) at 8ª division and R$ 180 M (around $ 60M) at 1ª division
Reputation - It wasn't edited anything about it in the teams.
Divisions - 8 divisions in total, with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th with 16 teams, and the 6th, 7th and 8th 32 teams, are lowered 5 teams from each division except the 6th, 7th and 8th lowered 8 teams .
REGIONAL LEAGUES - 16 Regional leagues with 12 teams, divided based on their former countries, making alloy is much disputed.
Cups - There are 3 differents Cups:
Supreme Cup:: It's the main Cup, played by team from 1ª, 2ª and 3ª division. Give you a place on Champions League.
Intermediate Cup: Play team from 4ª, 5ª and 6ª division
Minor Cup: Play team from 7ª and 8ª division
Super Cup - Played by the winner from 1ª division and 1ª Cup. Give much money
Supreme Champions Cup : Played by 16 team which was classified by all division (1ª and 2ª place from each one).The first round is played in group style, passing then to playoffs style on the next rounds. The money gain is good if you classify to the next round.
Teams - There are 197 team from 52 countries
Place for country - There isn't a defined concept to quantify places from each country. It was considered only the country and team tradition, but every continent has a represent. Check the list below:
South Africa 3 - Germany 7 - Saudi Arabia 5 - Argentina 6 - Australia 2 - Austria 3 - Belgium 5 - Belarus 1 - Bolivia 1 - Brazil 12 - Bulgaria 2 - Chile 3 - China 3 - Cyprus 1 - Colombia 3 - South Korea 4 - Costa Rica - Croatia 2 - Denmark 1 - Egypt 1 - United Arab Emirates 4 - Ecuador 2 - Scotland 2 - Slovakia 1 - Slovenia 1 - Spain 9 - USA 4 - France 7 - Greece 3 - Netherlands 4 - Hungary 1 - England 8 - Israel 2 - Italy 8 - Japan 4 - Morocco 1 - Mexico 6 - Norway 2 - Paraguay 3 - Peru 3 - Poland 2 - Portugal 4 - Qatar 4 - Czech Republic 3 - Romania 3 - Russia 5 - Serbia 2 - Sweden 1 - Switzerland 2 - Tunisia 1 - Turkey 4 - Ukraine 4 - Uruguay 4
Edition out "País Supremo" - It was edited all leagues where there were teams removed, continuing this league available to be played
If you will play "Pais Supremo" I suggest you to add other league, like Spanish, Italian, Brazilian and other to make the game more interesting. The team that was kept on the original country is powerful now.
IMPORTANT: If begin unemployed. You must select "Supreme" as 2nd nationality to be able to get a job in this "country".
I hope you like it ...
How to add Supreme Country leagues in FM16
- Extract the downloaded .zip file using 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac OS X.
- Move the extracted [ING] País Supremo (Supreme Country) FManager 2016.fmf file to:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\editor data\
Create folder "editor data" if it doesn't exist already. - Run Football Manager 2016 and start new save with this database enabled.
Discussion: Supreme Country (Pais Supremo) FManager 2016 - for patch 16.3
3 comments have been posted so far.
Thank FM Scout team, available by download.