FM23 Polish Lower Leagues 1.1 (database 23.4.0)
This file is designed for Football Manager 2023 (23.4.0) and adds to the game 3rd, 4th, 5th tier and 6th tier of Polish league system.- Real rules and fixture dates in leagues,
- Added rules for season 2022/23
- Added regional cups (16) for each Voivodeship for clubs from 4th tier and lower,
- New clubs, cities, stadiums created manually,
- Added 2021/22 winners in history for regional cups
- Fixed problem with yellow and red cards suspensions.
- Added new rules in lower leagues.
If you find any problems report this in comment section!
Created by bartekr & kajetanor.
How to unlock the Polish Lower Leagues on FM 2023
1) Download the Data File.2) Drag the file into your "Editor Data" folder. located at \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\editor data. If this folder doesn't exist, create it.
3) Open Football Manager 2023 and start a new career, In the top right of the screen, under "Database", make sure this Data File is selected.
4) Click "Advanced Setup" in the bottom right.
5) Once the database has loaded, click "Add/Remove League", then tick "Poland". The Polish lower leagues will then be playable.
Discussion: Poland Lower Leagues (Level 6 selected groups) for FM23 (23.4.0)
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