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4terran's 2011/12 Season Throwback for FM20

You can play FM2020 as if you're starting in the 2011-12 season. Go back to that season and make history. 14 playable leagues updated. Roughly 14,000 people have been modified.

By on Jul 08, 2020   89642 views   9 comments
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Downloads: 14033 / Size: 11.0 MB / Added: 2020-07-08
FM 2020 Fantasy Scenarios - 4terran's 2011/12 Season Throwback for FM20
Go back to the 11-12 season and make history!

Hi, I'm a Korean user, 4terran. It can be difficult to understand because I am not good at English.

This database allows football manager 2020 to play similar to the 2011-12 season.

About 14,000 people have been modified.

CA refer to databases in 2012 and PA 2020 to create the most realistic databases. There are also young players like Kylian Mbappé and Jadon Sancho who do not exist in the 2012 database.

They're very young at the beginning, so they can't but you will be able to recruit them at a young age after a certain season. I have modified all the players with more than -8 potential and will be able to use them all.

And even if it's not a revised league, many of the players with high potential have been modified.

And I created two versions of the database. One is the same as the PA of the 2020 database (Steam Workshop button). And the other thing is to randomly set the PA of many modified players (Direct Download button).

I can't make it perfectly because I'm making this database by myself. So many of the staff are almost unchanged and most of the modifications are about the players. You can refer to the image for the currently modified league.

I have been working on this database since November at Football Manager 2020 and am planning to update it by early August.

You need to use all my databases inside the pack.

1. 4terran's 11-12 Database OR 4terran's 11-12 Database(Random Potential)
Players and clubs modified.

2. 4terran's 11-12 Database UEFA Teams
UEFA clubs modified to season 11-12.

3. 4terran's 11-12 Database England fix
England prize mony modified & English transfer market modified.

4. 4terran's 11-12 Database Germany fix
Germany prize mony modified & Activate the Fourth Division to play Leipzig.

5. 4terran's 11-12 Database Transfer & Wage Value fix
Transfer & Wage Value modified like 11-12 season.

6. Youth Point Change by 4terran
To suppress regen players with excessively high potential, use this DB.

How to install the files

Extract the database files from the .zip archive using a free tool such as 7-zip for Windows of The Unarchiver for Mac.

Move the files to your 'editor data' folder, by default located at:
documents > sports interactive > football manager 2020 > editor data >

You can get a face pack through the link on Steam Workshop.

Support 4terran

If you want to support me, please follow or subscribe to my Twitch channel.

You can sponsor me on Patreon.

Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 14033 / Size: 11.0 MB / Added: 2020-07-08
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