Subscribe to our newsletter for the chance to win a FREE copy of FM12. We will randomly give away 1 game every month until March 2012. Starting this October, we're going to gift 6 FM2012 copies overall to our email subscribers.
For the October competition, we're extending the deadline for tomorrow (November 1st). So hurry up! Join our newsletter for 6 chances to win Football Manager 2012 for free!
This is a great opportunity even if you have already bought FM12, because getting an extra copy means you can gift it to a friend of yours.
- You have to be a verified subscriber to take part. Basically you need to confirm your subscription by clicking on the link found in the confirmation email
- You can only win once. So if you win your copy before March, you won't be eligible for the remaining monthly competitions.
We promise not to share your email with anyone and not to spam you
We will announce the winner of each month on the 2nd of the next one. So the winner of November's competition will be announced on December 2. Congratulations to the winners!October 2011 - Winner: Xavier Gonçalves
"Woah! Never really expected to win. But super-awesome, cannot wait to start playing!"
Side Note
Like every year we release FM Genie Scout exclusively from and this year will be no different.If you want to be the first to know and first to download Genie Scout 12, you should subscribe to our newsletter anyway!
Our email subscribers will get this info earlier than our site visitors.
Discussion: Win Football Manager 2012 for FREE!
5 comments have been posted so far.
Yes, it will be released.
so, if i hadn't got you wrong, fm genie scout 12 will be released in anyways -- Eugene works on it or not?