The Database:
The database features over 60,000 changes, and includes some bonus extras that you don't have in real life, such as the league system. There are currently 6 divisions included within the database, including the notorious FA Women's Super League. The divisions included are as follows:- World League - A customized league featuring some of the best teams in the world.
- FA Women's Super League (WSL) - The top division in England knownn by many fans.
- English Premier- Another customized league with some English teams not in FAWSL.
- Scottish Women's Premier League (SWPL) - The top division in Scotland.
- Scottish Division One - A league customized with Scottish teams not in the SWPL.
- Scottish Development League - A league customized with reserve/development teams.
All leagues are under the same nation. Andorra has been renamed as "Women" and all teams, leagues, players, staff, etc. have been removed. Replacing those players are the created female footballers and team. A rule has also been added into the nation, with a "0 foreigners" rule in place, meaning male and female players cannot mix.Installation:
Step 1Extract the downloaded zip file.
Step 2
Open the "Files" folder.
Then move the .dbc file you need in your Football Manager 2013 editor data folder:
Win Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\editor data\
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\editor data\
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/editor data/
Create the folder editor data if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Start a new game.
In case you have more editor data files: When setting up a new game, do not have any other data update files ticked on your Editor Data Files screen except this one or else the whole database will be messed up.
Discussion: Women's Football: The Database
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