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Yugoslavian Leagues for FM18

A 4-tier league structure featuring clubs from former Yugoslavia. Renamed Croatia for the needs of this database. Simplified Yugoslavian regional league pyramid for FM 2018.

By on Apr 15, 2018   8598 views   1 comments
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Downloads: 499 / Size: 203.0 kB / Added: 2018-04-15
FM 2018 Fantasy Scenarios - Yugoslavian Leagues for FM18
So first of all I want to say this isn't some "pro" database its simplified version of Yugoslavian league.

It is set up from 4 tiers national cup and super cup.
Every tier is made up from 20 clubs and clubs are sorted to tiers by their reputation so to know I wasn't biased towards any of clubs or nations.

I couldn't create new country as Yugoslavia so I used Croatia for it, every player from countries from ex-Yugoslavia has been transferred to new Yugoslavia.
I didn't transfer all other non playing people because it would take me too long mostly because I don't have powerful machine to run it smooth.

Somewhere it may appear something from Croatia (like legends and icons of Croatia) and there wouldn't be from other ex-Yugoslavia countries, that's because I didn't have time to research all that history and put into game.

I hope you wouldn't mind it because I mainly made this league so I can see how it would be to play with regional clubs from Balkan and how it is to have national team out of players from ex-Yugoslavia.

These are some screenshots of clubs in every tier:

To replace the Croatian flag, so you have to "install" graphics pack which is called "Zastave". There you will find the flag of Yugoslavia and its logo.
Please note: I don't own rights to this graphics pack; it is only remade from a previous Yugoslavia database back in 2015 where I only adapted it to Croatia.

If you find some problems, report it to me and I will put my work and try my best to fix it... if something isn't fixable (like crash dumps that can't be solved) I will delete this page.
And if this attracts some big interest, maybe I will put some more work to develop it further so you can full enjoy it.

How to install database and graphics:

  1. Extract the contents of the downloaded .rar file using a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac.

  2. Move the extracted folder "Yuga" to:
    documents/sports interactive/football manager 2018/editor data
    Create the last folder if it doesn't exist.

  3. And for graphics, move the folder "Zastave" to:
    documents/sports interactive/football manager 2018/graphics
    Then in-game go to preferences > interface > clear cache. Then go again to the same screen and hit reload skin.

I hope you enjoy this, cheers!!

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Downloads: 499 / Size: 203.0 kB / Added: 2018-04-15
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