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FM 2015 FLUT DARK Version for 1366x768

The 1366x768 version of Flut Skin Dark for FM 2015 [updated 04.01.2015]

By Updated on Jan 03, 2015   33313 views   13 comments
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Downloads: 6149 / Added: 1970-01-01
FM 2015 Skins - FM 2015 FLUT DARK Version for 1366x768

FM Flut Skin 2015 Dark Version for 1366x768

Lots of FM players ask for a version of FlutSkin for small resolutions. Finally I had time to do it. Here is the skin for 1366x768.

I hope you enjoy it.

Update 04.01.2015

I found some bugs in the skin. So I decided to do an update.
Beyond the fixed bugs I changed the club overview panel, including some more information.

Installation Instructions
Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Step 2
Move the extracted folder "fm2015flutskindark1366" into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Important: Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FM 2015 FLUT skin Dark Version - 1366x768” as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the skin.
Hit the Confirm button.

This skin was created by flut.

Download Now
Downloads: 6149 / Added: 1970-01-01
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Discussion: FM 2015 FLUT DARK Version for 1366x768

13 comments have been posted so far.

  • ivocardso's avatar
    boa noite flut ;) antes de mais obrigado pelo teu excelente e por partilhares com todos nos fans de fm ;)
    A minha questao é como coloco as imagens dos estadios painel imformacao do clube ?
  • ErikPonti's avatar
    We're want to for 1600x900 resolution Please do this.
  • victocoelh's avatar
    Hi i'd like to know hot to reduce the topbar. It's really too big
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi andrefm12

    You have to search for all the files (in panels folder) with the name:

    player profile technical (or physical, or mental) attributes 1 and 2 (there are 6 files) and replace the following code

    <!-- columns should be left and right aligned respectively -->
    <list id="column_properties">
    <record index="0" column_span="1" size="9" />
    <record index="2" alignment="centre" font="fonts/capitals_bold" colour="white" height="20" size="8" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" >
    <boolean id="use_attribute_colour_as_bg" value="true" />
    <flags id="attribute_value_colour" value="white" />

    by this other code

    <!-- columns should be left and right aligned respectively -->
    <list id="column_properties">
    <record indx="0" column_span="1" multiline="false"/>
    <record indx="1" alignment="right,centre_y" />
    <record indx="2" alignment="right,centre_y" style="semi_bold"/>
  • Andrefm12's avatar
    FLUT, how to remove the atribute box background??
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi braemer88

    Thanks ;-)
    1. Concerning the stadium pics, I use the portuguese stadiums that I did (you can download it here in FMScout). The big pack (with the other) I don't remember where I found it but I think it will be easy for you to find it (search for FMC Stadium pack).

    2. I don't know what happens with the logos...In fact, as I remember, I didn't include logos in the skin.

  • bræmer88's avatar
    Hi Flut

    1. Which website did you use to download the stadium pics shown in the inferface screenshot above?

    2. Have you added club logoes to this skin. I replaced my old German club logoes with news once a while ago. But now that it installed the skin I am back to the old logoes again. A bit weird dont you dont?

    But besides that is a great skin. Good job! you're a definitely got flair for this stuff :)
  • Andrefm12's avatar
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi jonasthern

    In a few moments I will update the skins for 1366x768 and I will include the changes you talked about.

    thanks and cheers
  • jonasthern's avatar
    Obrigado flut. O painel principal da informação do clube precisava de ser mais trabalhada se for possível, precisava de uns retoques:

    - Na barra superior,tirar o símbolo do clube na parte direita da barra pois já aparece na parte esquerda.
    - Colocar transparência naqueles quadros que estão com o fundo cinzento, à semelhança do que fizeste na tua skin para a resolução maior.
    - Acho que podias tentar diminuir o tamanho de alguns quadros e tentar incluir outros que estão na skin com a resolução maior pois assim fica tudo muito grande (os kits por exemplo)

    A skin está muito bem conseguida e consegue-se distinguir de todas as outras. Se por ventura tiveres tempo e conseguires dizer-me como alterar o que escrevi em cima era óptimo, senão percebo perfeitamente.
  • arsenalthebest's avatar
    Can you do this for 1600x900 (60.00Hz)thanks
  • Flut's avatar
    Olá Jonasthern

    Obrigado ;-)
    Quanto às tuas questões:
    1. Para eliminares o logo da competição vai a "titlebar", e elimina o seguinte código:

    <widget class="picture" id="rigB" scale_picture="true" transparency="1.0">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="0"/>
    <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="sbpc"/>
    <integer id="set_property" value="file"/>

    2. De facto, os "elementos-chave", são o único painel que não fixa. Já tentei ver o que se passa e não consegui descobrir ou perceber porque acontece.

    (now in english in order to keep the "official" language:

    1. In order to delete de competition logo, go to "titlebar" and delete de following code:

    <widget class="picture" id="rigB" scale_picture="true" transparency="1.0">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="0"/>
    <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="sbpc"/>
    <integer id="set_property" value="file"/>

    2. In fact, the key_elements is the only panel that is not fixed. I tried to understand why but without success.

  • jonasthern's avatar
    Olá Flut e parabéns pela skin. Já a fui experimentar e o que posso dizer para já é que no painel principal da equipa, no seletor no canto inferior esquerdo se escolheres a opção dos "elementos chave", ele não fixa essa opção e passa automáticamente para a opção "resultados". Outra coisa, na barra superior da skin é possivel retirar o background da competição? O do clube aparece bem, mas o da competição já não.
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