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Player's Awards

By Updated on Nov 30, 2010   11680 views   5 comments
Greetings to all fmscout community. It's my first post of many to come. I've been a regular visit here since 2007 I think but just today I decided to belong to this community. Feel free to correct my English, we're always learning new stuff.

I started this article to try to understand the way the several awards are... awarded.
I'm talking about the world golden ball, player of the year, best forward, best midfielder and so on...

It seems to me that, based on the overall stats, the awards are very often unfair. For example, the winner has an overall rating of 7.50 and 30 games played when the runner-up has an overall rating of 7.70 and 35 games played. It doesn't make any sense and my players are often penalized in this way. Let me be more specific. In the 2013 forward of the year award Wayne Rooney takes it with an overall of 7.58, 36 games played, 19 goals scored and 12 assists. The runner-up, David Villa, played 51 matches with an average of 7.81, scoring 39 goals and 9 assists.

I know managers get to vote for whoever they "think" was the best player. But which criterion is it used?! All we know is based on numbers so the awards should go along with it. Wouldn't it be more fair that way? I'm not suggesting some sort of mathematical equation but maybe a more strict choice wouldn't hurt. Sometimes it seems kind of random.

What's your opinion?

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Discussion: Player's Awards

5 comments have been posted so far.

  • gonzo89cb's avatar
    The stats show the year as a whole, and even when I look at the season before, the player who has come second or third often has better stats for both than the one who came first. I can only assume it's like what tomy said - winning a big competition really helps you along the way to winning World Player/Golden Ball.
  • RedArmy20's avatar
    im not a fan of individual awards. as its a team sport :)
  • tomy's avatar
    I noticed that, just like in reality it has a very BIG importance if the players won competitions. International or European, they count a lot for the eventual winner, and it is fair because it wouldn't be fair for a player who won every competition but his rating is lower than someones else because of an injury and 2-3 bad games.
  • ruipedro89's avatar
    I'm not sure but I think the stats used are between January and December. It's fair to consider the 5 best football leagues (Eng, Spa, Ita, Ger, Fra) as a probable world golden ball winner because they're more competitive but in that case the overall rating should consider that from the beginning. So how reliable is the overall rating, statistically speaking?! Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to consider a calculation of the overall rating based on the competitive level of which football league. That would make all stats more reliable and considering stats are a vital part of the game... That would make a better game!
  • Evo's avatar
    I admit I've noticed this too, it does seem a bit random.

    I'm wondering if the awards are based on a season performance(Sept - May) or year performance(Jan - Dec). Could this make a difference? Or maybe if the EPL has a higher reputation than the BBVA, then an average rating of 7.5 in the EPL is more impressive than an average rating of 7.7 in the BBVA etc
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