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Full Time & Youth Training Schedules - N89 (New and Updated

Excellent Training Schedule - Players Develop into Decent Players Quickly

By Updated on Dec 01, 2010   129604 views   6 comments
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Downloads: 50420 / Added: 2010-12-01
FM 2011 Training Schedules - Full Time & Youth Training Schedules - N89 (New and Updated
The Full Time training Schedule has recently been updated, please re download the file to get the best out of this schedule.
Fewer players should now get injured and their ratings will increase a little quicker.

Within the zip file will be 2 files, one called 'FullTime-N89.tsh' and another on called 'Youth-N89.tsh'.
Both of these files need to go into your schedules folder found in >>> My Documents/Sports Interactive/schedule.
If the schedule folder does not exist then simply create inside the 'Sports Interactive' folder.

These schedules will enhance your players training and encourage them to become better players quickly.

If players complain it is to much then seperate them into their own training schedule using mine as an example. but this time turn down the workload one or two clicks.

GK-N89 is for Goalkeepers
CB-N89 is for Central Defenders or Sweepers
FB/WB-N89 is for the wide defenders (Full Backs / Wing Backs / DL/R)
DMC-N89 is for the defensive midfielders in your team
MC-N89 is for the standard midfielders in your team generally box to box
AMC-N89 is for your Attack Minded midfielders you play in either MC(Attack Minded) or in the Attacking Midfielder role just behind the Strikers
ST(Deep)-N89 Is for Support Strikers or Target Men. Strikers who come deep to get the ball
ST-N89 is for your advanced strikers or poachers

Any questions feel free to ask.


Nakira89 (N89)

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Downloads: 50420 / Added: 2010-12-01
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Discussion: Full Time & Youth Training Schedules - N89 (New and Updated

6 comments have been posted so far.

  • badbud65's avatar
    Every single player in my squad is unhappy with these schedules including my youth players.

    I'm playing Darlington in BSP and its only 10/10/11, I have reduced all schedules to Medium and will see if that has any affect.

    But the fact that no one in my squad is happy seems to indicate to me that these schedules are just to much for my poor lads.

    I have 5 coaches + Assistant Manager and all training areas are 3 star or slightly more.
  • behavia's avatar
    i can't open TSH how do i do that?
  • vivalaheroin's avatar
    great training schedules mate:- been using them with Dortmund and I'm in my 4th season, won the Euro Cup, domestic Cup 3 times and the League twice... all mainly with players who have come from the youth academy,, so thank you very much!
  • daro's avatar
    Hi mate, I downloaded this because I was too lazy to create new schedules. I use your schedules but I have made some changes wich I atleast see as improvements. Anyway I took a look at the sliders and I have some tips on how you can make it better(this is only my opinion):

    CB-N89 - Reduce the Ball control slider a bit and increase the attacking slider. As long as the defender isn't a libero he doesn't need extremely good technique, passing is more important. I increased the tactics more as a substitute for the lowering of the ball control slider.

    I also think - more in general - that you have too much strenght and aerobic training on your schemes wich will end up in player injuries. This is something you build up during pre-season - if you do it during the season your players will become tired easier.

    DMC - also too much technique here I think as long as it isn't a playmaker. For a anchor man it's atleast too much. Increase defending and tactic and lower the rest a bit.

    And at last I recommend you add some more creativity to the supporting strikers and also shooting, because they will assist your other forward(or supporting/attacking midfielders) and take long shots sometimes.
  • vivalaheroin's avatar
    thanks for this mate I will start using straight away and come back with feedback!
  • croscout86's avatar
    it's ok schedule....not cmplicated with specialisation....fine.. THANX :-)
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