If you haven’t downloaded the previous patch (11.1.1) please be aware that by downloading the new patch (11.2) you will automatically get all of the previous changes / fixes from previous patches, so there is no need to download 11.1.0 and 11.1.1 – just download the latest version 11.2.
Steam purchasers or any boxed copy users who have registered their game through Steam DO NOT need to download this patch as you will automatically be playing the most up-to-date version of Football Manager 2011 due to the automatic updates that Steam provide. Doing so manually may cause issues with your version of Football Manager 2011.
Please note, there are separate patches for retail copies of the game and digital download versions (not including Steam). Please make sure you download the version that is correct for your copy of the game.
If you’re in Russia you will see that you have specific patches for your game, please make sure that you download and update you game using these patches.
Finally, it is well highlighted, but please make sure you download the correct patch between PC & Mac versions.
If you try and download the incorrect version of the patch Football Manager 2011 should stop you from installing this and give you a message saying this is not the correct patch.
For the full change list click here
Download mirrors:
- PC
- PC Disc - The Patches Scrolls
- MAC Disc - The Patches Scrolls
Discussion: Football Manager 2011 Patch 11.2
12 comments have been posted so far.
A sharing violation occured while accesing C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\data\skins.fmf.
Please help.
---Hello again everyone, due to unforeseen circumstances, we have released a ‘hotfix’ 11.2.1 patch, which resolves a couple of issues in regards to loading old save games running the Polish league and being unable to set contract length in Network games.
Other than that there are no other changes, so if you are not playing a network game or have no intention of ever playing with the Polish leagues loaded you do not have to patch up to this version - however we always recommend running the latest version where possible. Steam versions as always, will auto update.
Football Manager 2011 v11.2.1
General -
- Fixed issue where old saves with Polish league loaded could not be loaded
- Users can now change contract length in network game
its up to everyone to re-download or just enough on 11.2