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Maximize training - FM12

Intense and diverse full time training schedules to maximize player growth in football manager 2012

By Updated on Oct 21, 2011   141288 views   9 comments
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Downloads: 38251 / Size: 2.0 kB / Added: 2011-10-21


If you're the kind of manager who likes to get the most out of training in Football Manager, who likes to sign professional players who are willing to go that extra mile in training then these schedules are for you. These schedules are very effective, intense and are designed to maximize player growth. They are focused on developing specific attribute sets for positions without compromising the basic training needs for a players position. For example, a player on DC - aer - (H) will have extra focus on aerobic training while still receiving good training in strength/defending/tactics etc.

How to use

Download link is at the top of the page, download and extract, save extracted files to: documents\sportsinteractive\footballmanager2012\schedules. If the schedules folder does not exist simply create it yourself. In Football Manager go to the main training screen > schedules > manage schedules > import, select the files from the appropriate folder.

What does each schedule focus on?

GK - Han - (H) - focused on keepers handling ability
GK - Ref - (H) - focused on keepers shot stopping ability
DC - Aer - (H) - focused on developing defenders aerobic attributes
DC - Str - (H) - focused on developing defender strength attributes
DC - Tck - (H) - focused on developing defenders defensive abilities
DRL - Def - (H) - focused on improving full/wing backs defensive skills
DRL - Att - (H) - focused on improving full/wing backs attacking skills
MC - Phy - (H) - focused on increasing midfielders physical attributes
MC - Def - (H) - focused on increasing midfielders defensive attributes
MC - Tac - (H) - focused on developing midfielders tactical attributes
MC - Att - (H) - focused on developing midfielders attacking attributes
MRL - Spe - (H) - focused on increasing a wingers speed
MRL - Tec - (H) - focused on increasing a wingers technical skills
ST - Phy - (H) - focused on strikers physical attributes
ST - Tec - (H) - focused on improving striker attacking/shooting skills


  • Schedules are designed for professional players (professionalism 10 or higher), they will be pleased with their training schedule workload.
  • Players with low professionalism (9 or lower) may become “unhappy with the high training workload” on these schedules.
  • Schedule intensity is 1 click inside “very heavy”, although this seems intense I use them all season and I've never had issues with excessive injuries so long as players are happy with their schedule.

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Downloads: 38251 / Size: 2.0 kB / Added: 2011-10-21
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Discussion: Maximize training - FM12

9 comments have been posted so far.

  • Lionelson's avatar
    The download link is dead. Please reupload it.
  • ScottBunting's avatar
    Having trouble when go to import it, it doesn't show up..
  • Raoulrq7's avatar
    where is the dl link:P?
  • mc2u68's avatar
    X-( B) :D :P :P :/ :-* >:) Thank you
  • hotabs579's avatar
    Me personally Idc if someone gets injured cos that leaves room for me to let others play so they don't whine about first team ball. My depth chart is pretty deep. Usually I sign decent reserves, with youth who have potential off the charts, so I don't mind when 5-6 get injured in a month span.. But of course before u sign any starter u gotta look at their injury history to see of they are injury prone cos my training is INTENSE!
  • croscout86's avatar
    to complicated. you just can set up individual trainig on each you can focus on each aspect of training to develop skils. :-)
  • Vanjari's avatar

    Ye, just hadn't had any injuries the first season, so suddenly getting 9 senior-squad members injuried a month after starting that schedule got me thinking. However, I've used these schedules, only decreased a few categories that I felt unnecessary for every position and got it all better:) I like it much better now with a little lighter workload : )

    Thanks for getting me focusing more of training schedules Evo! :) nice upload
  • Stam's avatar
    Injury trouble appears to be a common issue for FM12 in general from what I've been reading around the scene.
  • Vanjari's avatar
    Use this schedule if you want all your players to get injured. First match of the season and already got 9 injured players, 4 of which would be considered regular first team player. Never seen troubles like this ever before.
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