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Ad-board Pack

Adboards for Eng, Sco, Ita, Spa, Fra and Por

By Updated on Mar 02, 2009   34507 views   1 comments
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Downloads: 5197 / Size: 29.7 kB / Added: 2009-03-02
Adboard pack for Eng, Sco, Ita, Spa, Fra and Por by Frank Hovis (Dan Dirtyape).
These ad hoarding aren't meant to exactly replicate the real grounds but what Frank has done is create a suitable set of generic adboards for each competition.

This pack adds new (comp. appropriate) adboards to the following competitions:
- Champions League,
- Uefa Cup,
- England (all leagues and cups),
- Scotland (all leagues and cups),
- Italy (Serie A, Serie B and Cup),
- Spain (Liga BBVA, Liga Adelante and Cup),
- France (Ligue 1, Ligue 2 and both Cups),
- Portugal (Liga Sagres, Liga Vitalis and both Cups).
All other leagues should default to a set of global brand boards.
Every league and cup listed above has a generic set of adboards suitable for that competition (most leagues have some specific boards that are set up to change from game to game).

Pack contains over 280 different adboards.

For some reason the game decides the club list adboards have priority over competition list adboards. This means if you set up adboard lists for any club they wont change for European games and cup games (not to mention promotion, relegation and stadium capacity increases) unless you manually edit the xml file before and after every game. As I've set this up using only competition lists, once installed, every club will always have the appropriate adboards for whatever league or cup they're playing in.

Installation instructions
Extract the .zip file to My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2009 and select 'yes to all' if it asks whether you want to replace any files.
(Don't forget to untick the 'Skin Cache' option in FM09's preferences section).

If you're making your own boards (and have edited the fm.xml) then extract the rar to a temp directory and add manually.

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Downloads: 5197 / Size: 29.7 kB / Added: 2009-03-02
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Discussion: Ad-board Pack

1 comments have been posted so far.

  • Manhammer's avatar
    how exactly do we go about installing these packs..........and how do u find out your IP adress if you lost your broadband start up pack
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