Training schedule for players with youth contract created by macdab55
I created it to build up attributes for younger players.
Central Defenders: central-def_youth_14014.tsh
Full-Backs: full-backs_youth_14014.tsh
Central Midfilders: central-mid_youth_14014.tsh
WIngers: wingers_youth_14014.tsh
Strkiers: strikers_youth_14014.tsh
Central defenders is for players who are playing CB
Full-Backs is for players who are playing RB/RWB/LB/LWB
Central Midfilders is for players who are playing CM but I think it can be used for AMC/DMC
WIngers is for players who are playing RM/AMR/LM/AML
Strkeirs is for players who are playing ST
I am hoping for comments with how is it and what can I do to mak it better.
Discussion: Youth training schedule by macdab55
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