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P/T training schedule by macdab55

Training schedule for part-time players in FM2011

By Updated on Oct 23, 2010   31719 views   6 comments
FM 2011 Training Schedules - P/T training schedule by macdab55

I created this training schedule in mind of people who are playing teams which are semi-professional.
I hope this will help to get higher attributes in players.

Training Schedule:
Defenders: defenders_part-time_14014.tsh
Full-Backs: full-backs_part-time_14014.tsh
Midfilders: midfilders_part-time_14014.tsh
WIngers: wingers_part-time_14014.tsh
Strikers: strikers_part-time_14014.tsh

Defenders was created in mind of players who are CB
Full-Backs are for RB/RWB/LB/LWB
Midfilders was created for CM but can be used for DMC/AMC
Wingers are for players who play on RM/AMR/LM/AML
Strikers are for ST

Looking forward about comments.

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