Ohai guys, its me.
You may have heard me before, I like hanging around the General Chat and the Manager Story section. I've decided to go and start my own. I'm still getting used to Windowed mode and I am not an expert on fourms, so sorry if this is bad.
The plot is about an extremely young manager who goes by the name of Luke Green. Unfourtunately for us, he contains an element of slight bad luck, because he was born on the 13th of June. He was previously an international footballer for his secondary country Northern Island, but stress with contracts and injuries forced him out the game and become a manager.
Seems like most people want me in England XD
I want some replies before telling you what happens next
Seems interesting, I'll be keeping an eye on this story...
Good luck. Maybe some more detail in the posts would bring more readers but will follow to see how you get on
All good things start small XD
Sorry about the lack of detail. Hopefully it should build up in the next few real days.
11th August 2013
Well, today was my first day in management of my dream club, Villa. I knew what to do the first thing I entered the office. I headed straight to the boardroom and asked for something. It was a bit like this...
Green = Me
Orange = Lerner
Red = Faulkner
Lerner, I want to ask for something. I know i've only been in the office for about ten minutes. But this is my first request.
Go ahead...
Well, I know Lambert liked youth, so I've been thinking these past five minutes and i've decided we should upgrade our youth facilities
Are you nuts? Lambert made us lose 10 matches in a row last year thanks to the youth!
(Barges in) I must take the side of Green there, If we can get good youth, we could either sell them for a fortune or we can make the youth better than the team Lambert signed!
Oh fine, i'll get the paperwork and i'll plan to upgrade the facilities (mumbles some 'bad' stuff)
Well, that was how it went simply. Overall it would be about 50 lines if I wrote it all in. 39 of them would be swear words from Lerner.
Some surprises for the transfers
should be interesting ive always found villa a tough team, not much room for maneuvering financially and a few areas that need strengthening. will be following with interest
[banner ist here]
August Results
Villa 1 - 1 Fulham - A decent result for the first game of the season, we were stupid to give away a penalty like that though. SCORERS : Villa = Helenius (70) Fulham = Berbatrov (pen) (35)
West Ham ? - ? Villa - TBP
Villa ? - ? Huddersfield - TBP (C1C)
Arsenal ? - ? Villa - TBP
MBP = Match Being Played
TBP = To be Played