A look back of my life
Anyways, I love football with a passion, it's something I grew up adoring, I don't think I couldn't like it! I would regularly attend my local teams matches, which being Barrow AFC. I was a very loyal supporter and I loved them to bits. I remember the first time I attended a match, I was a small 7 year old girl, that didn't really know many players, just the 'stars' of the top divisions, I didn't really mind, I just wanted to watch the players score goals. I loved cheering when they scored.
You may of thought my life was a dream, it wasn't all a dream. During secondary school, a girl and 3 or 4 boys would bully me, by bully, I mean really bully me. They would really make me upset, saying things about me and my family and I'd cry. It was the worse thing to do. This would happen from year 7 until the Christmas holidays, in year 11. I haven't many friends during this period and I consistently would try to commit suicide. This was the only thing I had in my mind. But on a better note that ended in year 11 (after years of attempts,) I was really glad I did stop, because soon after people realised I was not the girl to hate, but the girl and 3 or 4 boys that bullied me for all those years.
During the years at secondary school, I still had that passion for football and once I left, I took sporting badges and things like that, to improve my dream of being of a football manager. I successfully completed them and I was really happy, I was in floods of tears when I completed them. That's when I knew, I had finally made it, just one more step... that was to apply for a job and get it... this was the difficult part... how would I do this? I wondered for hours on end, but the answer finally got to me, that was be yourself, tell the team you apply for your qualities and hope for the best... that's all you can do.
Next time I write here in this 'mini scrapbook' hopefully I can tell you that I have applied for a job and maybe... just maybe landed it...
'till next time,
Authors notes
Hey all, this is a real life story based on me. Obviously I'm not 20 and not the cleverest so I will make some mistakes potentially, just tell me in a PC and I'll correct it, if I can