Hello and welcome to the English Revolution. The English FA has decided to call time up on foreign players and managers and have sent them all packing. Yes, that's right! There are no more foreign players or managers in the English leagues. You have the opportunity to take over a Premier League team and lead them to glory as chairmen, Yes it's a bit like CG, BUT! Choose wisely as some teams (City) will have hardly any English talent and you can't sign foreign players! Sign Up
To sign up put which club you want and who is taking over:
1-Arsenal - Andy Murray (Denzy)
2-Aston Villa - Mitchell Radford (Radders2109)
3-Cardiff - Swaino98 (Swaino98)
4-Chelsea - Svend Carr (EdenHazard17)
5-Crystal Palace
6-Everton - Courtney Cumz (Pauker_
9-Liverpool - Arvind Kavattur (Arvind)
10-Manchester City - Menez Gemkerez (victoras15)
11-Manchester United - Barack Obama (Me)
12-Newcastle United - Jay Bucks (FM-LD)
13-Norwich City - Cameron Cox (Cameroncox96)
14-Southampton - Stone Cold (dellman)
15-Stoke - Master Yoda hmmmmm (captainbrickarms)
16-Sunderland - Lord of Lidl (AaronHJFT96)
17-Swansea - Chloe Kay (FMP)
18-Tottenham Hotspur - Asda God (AlexTHFC)
19-West Bromwich Albion - Sir Lord Taaaaannnnnaaaayyy (Taaaannnnaaaaaayyyyy)
20-West Ham United - Angela Merkel (aaronsinteur)
-If you take control of a manager who is foreign then there will be an auction for English mangers, If your manager is English but you prefer another English manager then you may choose to sack your manager but there is a chance you might not get the manager you want in the auction.
-After half of the spaces are filled the transfer window will open and you are all free to negotiate between yourselves for players you want, when you have come to a deal PM me with the details and proof.
-Domestic transfers from lower leagues will be more important than ever but remember! They don't have foreign players either so they will be wanting to hold onto their players more than ever so to buy a lower league you will need to pay 3x their transfer value and if their are two people wanting the same player there will be a wage auction.
Finances will be released upon the opening of the transfer window.