Football Manager 2024 Tools
Find exclusive scout & editor Football Manager 2024 tools. Official home of Genie Scout 24, FMS Editor, FM+. Plus other essential tools.
FM Genie Scout 24 - Exclusive
1059499 355708 437World's best scouting tool for FM24. Extend the possibilities of finding, sorting & shortlisting players & staff on Football Manager 2024. Updated on December 8th.
FM24 Personality Calculator
30323 2431 1Use this to know what your player hidden attribute are situated. A desktop app for Windows.
KitBasher - Kit Making Tool for Football Manager
552561 66565 70KitBasher is the Fantasy Kit Generating Tool for Football Manager. Create your own kits using this simple yet efficient tool for all your FM kit making needs.
FM+24 - Lineup, Tactic and Ratings Tool
166500 21247 311Get to know your squad, best lineup and scouted players in the blink of an eye with this super useful tool for Football Manager.
Face For NewGen 24.1.0
21218 2391 1This application creates an XML file, linking a list of newgens and images in newgen packs by FMUGens type - Newgen Facepack.
FM XML for Mac OS
69632 9994 12A tool that automatizes the creation of config.xml files for graphics (faces, kits and logos) in Football Manager. Works on everything from Mac OS Sierra upwards, including Big Sur.
FM Player Rater v0.1
37516 3454 8FM Player Rater is a simple application that will help you find the best players available for you.
NewGAN Manager v1.3.1
315052 75742 52A tool to generate and manage xml configs for Newgen Facepacks. Updated on February 12th, 2022.
FM Lineup Tool - Exclusive Download
294293 34105 207Get to know your squad, best lineup and scouted players in a blink of an eye with this super useful tool for Football Manager.
FM File Editor
83872 11746 15FM File Editor lets you easily manage lnc files typically for real name fixes and such.
Football Manager Fixtures Generator
63400 4609 7A handy tool for Windows that makes it easy to create fixtures and results to use with Football Manager pre-game editor. Created by Dmitri-K.
fmXML for Windows
345593 105941 11A program that automatizes the creation of config.xml files for graphics (faces, kits and logos) in Football Manager. Compatible with FM 2005 and newer.
Smart Shirt Designer 2
459832 123369 35A simple tool for fans to create their own kits for use in Football Manager. (Semi) Professional kit making made easy!