Chapter Two – Realisation
I got out of the small cab, and thanked the driver with my wallet, as I made my way over to my apartment. When I first moved to Turkey, they had offered me luxurious villa’s, with 10 car garages, and a swimming pool the size of a football pitch, but I had chosen a much smaller apartment, situated close enough to the training ground so that I could walk there every morning, and not big enough that I would get lonely.
As I took out my keys, I pondered over how I was going to spend my weekend. I was so consumed by work sometimes, that I forgot I had a life outside of it. Part of it I suppose had to do with the fact that I had no-one to share my life with, after my parents passed away, and my brother moved to Canada, I had been very lonely. I always wanted to marry, but I never found the perfect woman until now, especially as I had been locked away in my office for such a long time, without paying any attention to my quickly degrading social life. I knew that it was not healthy for me to be spending my time like this, especially considering my age, but I always made an excuse to myself of why it wasn’t possible.
My thoughts were interrupted by the ring of my cell phone in my pocket. I picked up and was met with the familiar voice.
‘Good afternoon sir, how are you feeling?’ my agent asked.
‘I am ok, thanks Dimitri. ’I replied casually. Dimitri was not only my assistant, but a close friends of mine. We had been working together for several years now.
‘So, I will call a plane for tomorrow?’
‘Plane? Are we going somewhere?’ I asked, wondering what I had forgotten now.
‘Umm, sir, do you not remember?’ He said tensely.
‘No, why, are we meeting someone? A transfer deal?’ I asked, noting the change of dynamics and tone in his voice.
‘No… you were going to meet the lawyer, no?’
‘Lawyer? For what?’ I said with a bit of worry seeping into my mind. Why would I need a lawyer?
‘For the compensation fee dispute? You know, after your sacking?’ he said in a matter of fact kind of way.
‘WHAT!’ Sacking?!!’ I yelled as my heart beat raced up. I was praying that this was some cruel joke.
‘Sir!’ he said stuttering,
‘Do you not remember anything?’
‘No! Tell me now!’ I screamed so load my throat started aching.
‘Well sir, I don’t know much about it, but I know that you have been relieved from your duties by the board after they found a better replacement. I’m so sorry sir, I though you knew!’
I grabbed the phone and threw in on the floor, as I dropped to my knees in disbelief.
How could this happen to me? Why?